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Comment Re:CEOs are overrated (Score 1) 692

Reason # 1 to not use stock apple earbuds : They make it look like you have an Ipod in your pocket.
Reason # 2 to not use stock apple earbuds : They sound like complete crap.

Yeah yeah I know we're talking about mp3's and that the iPod audio out isn't the highest quality sound wise. But I swear by old school, black, Walkman style headphones, they look non iPod like, and sound great. A decent pair of Sony's set you back $45, and last forever.

(FWIW, the headphones that came with the first couple of original Walkmans sounded like crap too..... )

Comment I'd like to buy it today (Score 1) 447

I really would. Last night's episode. I just checked iTunes. It's not there.

Hello!!!! ?? HBO???? I'm willing to give you a couple of bucks... even to 'rent' a stream for a day. I'd very much like to watch your show, without subscribing to your channel.

Get it? I have money. I want to spend it, by giving it to you to watch your show. But you don't give me the option to do so. You lose. And because I can't do it now, and be able to talk to other viewers about the premere this week, I'm resentful and will be less likely to buy your DVD when it does come out next year. Why should i buy it then? Season 3 will be old news at that time....

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FORTUNE'S FUN FACTS TO KNOW AND TELL: A giant panda bear is really a member of the racoon family.
