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Comment Re:I'm boycotting Disney after IT fiasco (Score 1) 177

People were okay with them having a Gay Pride Day years ago and celebrating homosexuality in an environment largely dominated by children, and they're only now worth fucking because they dared fire American workers

Might be because these things are only comparable if you've got the intellectual capacity of a moth.

Comment Re:This is Slashdot's first article on the topic.. (Score 3, Insightful) 124

Not sure if you're livving up to your username or what, but that's not true.

Dice, SF, and slashdot genuinely fuck up frequently enough that we can do quite well without the histrionics and bogus accusations.

Comment Re:Amen brother! (Score 2) 424

Is there a Godwin's law for unnecessarily dragging an otherwise apolitical topic into the political arena?
I only ask because this is a clear violation of [insert that law].

Technically, if it was analogous to Godwin's Law ("As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"), this would be a manifestation of that law.

Comment Re:SLAPP? (Score 1) 401

I wouldn't call Britain, France, Norway (and others) as being a police state. But a police state also includes the scenario where citizens are micromanaged, are under the watchful and benevolent eye of the state apparatus AND they do not resist said micromanagement.

I don't know about France or Norway, but doesn't the UK, at least England, have exactly that what with the ever growing surveillance camera coverage?

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