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Comment Re:Hitting 36 years old (Score 1) 552

That's a lie for good programmers, for mediocre ones, it might be true.

And, NAICT, it only applies to "tech industry" jobs. Every time I see a picture of a team working the Shuttle software, or the flight control software for a major civil airframe, etc... etc... it's older programmers. The "kids" are the minority.

Comment Re:Read the update (Score 1) 73

Google uses multiple container systems and a lot of their infrastructure isn't Linux but Docker is a key component of their containerization strategy. If it were even 10+% Docker you talking well in excess of 100m Docker containers in production.

Comment Re:Rubbish (Score 1) 336

I doubt it's going to change anything, because customers are too used to computers not working. That is the real damage that 30 years of Microsoft dominance have done to the world.

The truth of it is that significant outages are rare considering the size of the Microsoft ecosystem.

The geek posts his rant to Slashdot in the hope that his story will make the front page before service is restored.

Comment Re:They're assholes. (Score 1) 336

Why do these systems need network access to play a game bought on a disk? That is the bigger question, sure I can understand only supporting multiplayer through a centralized service, my issue is with the activation and phone home crap.

Consoles have long since ceased to be video game players alone.

That is why Xbox Live Status posts a breakdown by services and apps.

It is perfectly possible for activation and content management services to be up while multiplayer gaming is down.

That way the scope of these little disasters would be limited.

The geek needs to remember that he pays a high price for these attacks.

"The Lizard Squad" is a perfect fit for the popular stereotype of the eternally-adolescent-and-irresponsible geek, aka the malicious practical joker, the hacker. Each hack chips away at the geek's credibility and political effectiveness where he needs it the most.

Comment Re:Mandatory reading (Score 1) 32

These jobs represent an exit for most of these workers, the opportunity to build their life as they wish - or try.

Yeah. She's one of the lucky ones, she got out. Most don't. You'll never hear from them though.

Before any uninformed comments start blossoming

The crappy living conditions, the crappy hours, the lack of industrial safety, the crappy pay... all these things are well documented. Commenting on them is far from uninformed.

Comment Slow down, cowboy. (Score 3, Insightful) 37

OK, early fish could see in colors. And clearly modern birds (and their dino ancestors) can see in color

The mineralized rods and cones in this fossil fish are the first to be found in any vertebrate fossil. The argument for color vision in dinosaurs is more or less based on the theory that if a sexually attractive feather-like structure was colored, a dino must have seen it in color.

Comment Pierre de Coubertin (Score 1) 232

Get rid of the sports that cannot measure the success of the competitors using the Olympic motto: higher, faster, stronger. That means no figure skating, no synchronized swimming, and, especially, no more rhythmic gymnastics. Essentially, nothing that requires assigning a number to a performance via a panel of judges.

The motto was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin on the creation of the International Olympic Committee in 1894."These three words represent a programme of moral beauty. The aesthetics of sport are intangible."

I take that as an explicit rejection of the notion that the human element can be taken out of the equation.

That "higher, faster, stronger" implies an aesthetically pleasing and moral achievement, not merely something which can be captured and understood by examining the clock and camera alone.

Coubertin would go on to say that "The most important thing is not to win but to take part!"

Olympic symbols

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Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
