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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 42 declined, 6 accepted (48 total, 12.50% accepted)


Submission + - Huddlechat = Campfire? 37Signals Cries Foul (portfolio.com)

i_want_you_to_throw_ writes: The launch of Google's App Engine Web software platform was initially greeted with something close to rapture. But the warm glow faded quickly when the company was accused of copying a 37Signals application. Is this the danger in allowing Google's developers to develop side projects which Google then sanctions? Maybe not enough research by Google's folks into similarities?

Submission + - Amero Sentencing delayed...again

i_want_you_to_throw_ writes: "For a while it looked as if legions of IT pros might descend on Connecticut like a plague of locusts however, short attention span syndrome has pushed the case to somewhere below, "iPhone.. ooh, shinny" on the radar of most geeks. To recap, Julie Amero has hung in limbo since January waiting for the Connecticut DA to either put up ( and put her away for up to 40 years ) or shut up and let her return to picking up the pieces of her shattered life. Her conviction on 4 felony counts came after an unprotected classroom computer running Windows 98 began spewing porn pop-ups."

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