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Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 2) 121

The other side of the coin is "living document" where we change the meaning of the words to fit the current times.

I am much more in favor of using the tools given to us to change the Constitution vrs changing it's meaning based on current interpretation.

That's exactly the problem. Nobody wants to amend the Constitution, they want to "interpret" it, as if the meaning of it weren't clear enough as is. You mentioned Prohibition, which I think is one of the best examples. Nobody so far has been able to explain to me why we had to pass a constitutional amendment to outlaw alcohol, but the same thing is not necessary for any other drug. The entire war on drugs is an unconstitutional sham.

Comment Re:Good luck with that ... (Score 4, Informative) 50

I glanced at the two links and didn't notice anything that says users will be forced to view them. I think it's more of a way of making the news articles display better in Facebook, which is a big problem in particular when viewing Facebook on an "iDevice". I'm sure that as with most things they will let you opt -out or hide material you're not interested in, so it will be a minor annoyance.

Comment Re:rather expected (Score 1, Flamebait) 284

As would the AIDs patients in Africa who were scared away from condom use.

This is a nonsensical argument. If the Catholics had as much sway in this arena as you give them, there wouldn't be an AIDS crisis in Africa. The Catholic position on sex is abstinence outside of marriage. If they didn't listen to the Catholics on abstinence, why would they listen to Catholics if they were pushing condoms? There are plenty of valid criticisms against the Catholic church, this is not one of them.

Comment Re:Lies! Lies! All lies! (Score 2) 284

If Islam is like American-style Christianity, its followers actively ignore the words of their own prophet so they can do whatever atrocious shit they wanted to do anyway.

For Christianity, that means hating gays, subjugating minorities, and living a selfish, materialistic life while judging others.

This is actually a pretty common misconception about Islam. You're correct in saying that Christians are hypocrites when they do any of those things, because it runs contrary to the teachings of Christ. You can't say the same about Muslims when they commit acts like this, because they are expressly commanded by Muhammed either in the Quran or the Hadith (honor killings, killing apostates, drawing images of the "prophet", etc.).

Comment Whack-a-mole (Score 5, Insightful) 87

Black markets pop up when free markets aren't available. Legalizing drugs would do wonders for the economy. Not only do we spend a heap of money on the war on drugs: militarized police, overburdened legal system and oversaturated prisons, but then there's also the costs in terms of innocent bystanders who are injured or killed in this war. Over 70,000 people have been killed by drug cartels in Mexico alone. How do a lot of terrorists fund their activities? By selling heroin. If they were available for over-the-counter purchase at a reasonable price, like alcohol & tobacco are, it would make a whole world of problems disappear. That's not to say that there wouldn't be new problems in terms of addiction, but these problems would be minor in comparison to the ones we have now.

Comment Re:Inconsistent (Score 1) 866

I don't understand the "atonement through Christ's death". How does the death of someone, especially if they know they are divine and will rise again, atone for the sins of someone else? Is it like if I pay for someone else's parking ticket?

Kind of, but not really. From Leviticus 17:11: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life." So God gave a way for people to atone for their sins through blood sacrifice, otherwise all would perish. However, it's not something he desired; the tribes of Israel were using it as a loophole instead of an actual act of contrition (See Isaiah 1:11-17).

That makes sense in terms of financial punishment, but it doens't make sense for person A to spend time in jail for a murder commited by person B.

Sins are sometimes referred to as debts. For instance, in some Bible translations, you'll see the Lord's Prayer as "forgive us our debts as we forgive others' debts" instead of "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." So when you commit a sin, you essentially have a debt that needs to be paid.

Why would God accept payment for that? Surely God knew that Jesus's death was not permanent?

Yes, of course he knew Jesus would be resurrected. That was always a part of the prophecy regarding the Christ. As to why he selected this method to allow all people to atone for their sin, I'm afraid I can't give a complete answer to that, but I'm not sure anyone can. God says in Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways...". From the best of my ability to understand, it has to do with his desire to show mercy to the world, but still uphold justice.

Comment Re: 23 down, 77 to go (Score 3, Informative) 866

So it seems that you don't have any problem with treating some groups of people as second class citizens, you just want to change which groups those are.

That was a quote from the poster before my poster. I'm disagreeing with his position.

Okay, that makes much more sense. Sorry for the mistake. You know they have quote tags you can use which really helps to clear these things up, especially if the post you are quoting is below a reader's score threshold. It's just <quote>.

Comment Re:satellites (Score 1) 403

God I miss the days of good cellphones. My Nokia N82 was epic in battery life. Back when Nokia made the absolute best cellphones in the solar system.

I highly doubt it. If you were serious, you'd still have one, since there are still *plenty* of old-style phones available. Would you really trade whatever you have now for one of these?

Comment Re: 23 down, 77 to go (Score 1, Troll) 866

You want to treat people as second class citizens because you disagree with their world view.

I'm not really sure why you see this as a problem. Previously you wrote:

There's no reason to be religious in this modern world. People who are religious are idiots and should be treated like second class citizens.

So it seems that you don't have any problem with treating some groups of people as second class citizens, you just want to change which groups those are.

Comment Re:Inconsistent (Score 4, Informative) 866

I'd say it is because of Christian inconsistencies. On the one hand they state that God's love is unconditional

No. Christians claim that there's a very specific condition. John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

There may be some debate around what what it means to believe in Jesus, but if someone claims to be a Christian but doesn't believe that, they're not really a Christian.

on the other they say if you don't love God and follow His laws you will go to hell. There is no logic to religion.

Again, no. It is not possible for a person to fully love God and follow his laws perfectly, which is what made atonement through Christ's death necessary. Hell is separation from God. As noted above, God gave a very specific way for people to spend eternity with him. If you don't want to believe in Jesus Christ, then you spend eternity separated from him. That seems perfectly logical to me.

What you seem to be espousing is the secular Hollywood/pop-culture view of Christianity, which is almost always an inaccurate portrayal of it.

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