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Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 452

That's pretty much everyone's procedure, so Reddit's job is to make sure doesn't become "one of those sites" for a sufficiently large group of people.

You can easily avoid a lot of the offensive stuff on Reddit by not visiting those subreddits Maybe a more sane alternative would be to allow people to filter out subreddits they don't like. Maybe this is in place already, but I don't know. Reddit has too high of a noise to signal ratio for my taste, so when I do check it out, I don't even bother signing in any more.

Comment Re:Sad (Score 1) 452

Reddit may eventually have to decide if they're an actual business that's supposed to make money or a hip BBS. The two identities are sorta in tension and I'm not sure it's resolvable.

Well, you're not going to make money if you continue to arbitrarily ban things that you find offensive or someone else might find offensive. There are things on the internet I don't like. I just don't go to those sites. I don't demand that they take those sites down. Aside from that, I don't know how a BBS makes money these days with ad block, etc, unless they're selling user info, which would probably go over huge with the reddit crowd.

Comment's the LAW! (Score 1) 423

Don't forget unintended consequences. Jimmy loves to hunt, so he is afraid to see a shrink lest the cops show up to grab his guns. So, he never gets any help. Is this really an improvement?

But if Jimmy goes on a shooting spree, then it gives the gun banners more ammo (pun intended). One thing you'll notice is that in most instances where there's been a mass shooting, the proposed remedy for gun control would not have prevented the mass shooting from happening in the first place.

Comment As others have said, range & cost (Score 1) 688

I just drove 1000 miles over the past 3 days. Yesterday was 500 miles hauling a 3000 lb. camper. There is currently no electric vehicle available to do that. Plus, I commute 45 miles to and from work each day. What do I do if there's a power outage at my home, but no problems where I work (It's happened before), and my car isn't charged up enough? I can't even telecommute if that's the case, and none of my friends or coworkers live close by so that I could hitch a ride with them. There's too many issues that come up like that which most people haven't even considered. Let them be curiosities for the rich until somebody figures out how to address these problems.

Comment Doodads and Gewgaws (Score 1) 266

I've been testing out a da Vinci 1.0 AiO. The results haven't been very impressive. Over half the time the PLA filament doesn't stick to the bed, resulting in a blob of plastic just sticking to the extruder. The 3D scanner is just about useless. I haven't had a scan work even close to accurate yet. Anything with black scans as negative space. Pretty much the only things you can scan with any degree of success are small, white geometric objects with a matte finish.

Today I'm testing out a Cube Pro 3D printer, and expecting much better results. We'll be using our printers for student projects in arts & sciences.

Comment Re:Zero respect for SCOTUS (Score 2) 1083

In their opinion on gay marriage, Roberts issues a dissenting opinion with the following quote:

Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.

The internal inconsistencies of the SCOTUS are appalling.

The only power the SCOTUS should have is to determine if a law violates the Constitution. If it does, it should be struck down, if it doesn't, it should stand.

Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 383

Use option-tab to switch between windows in an application on OS X.

Strike that. It's Command + `. Was at a Windows 7 computer when I wrote that, got home and switched Safari windows on my computer & realized I accidentally told you the wrong thing.

Comment Re:Answer (Score 1) 383

I've played with OSX-based laptops, I find the GUI clunky when it comes to working with multiple terminal windows, as Apple has taken the approach of using Apple-Tab to switch between applications, rather than switch between windows. It's more awkward than it should be to switch between multiple terminal sessions quickly.

Use option-tab to switch between windows in an application on OS X.

Comment Re:Phase out fossil-fueled power plants by midcent (Score -1, Troll) 308

At least 50% false

Hate to be technical, but a "balanced" budget be $0. So we've had 4 years out of the past 35 that had a surplus, or put another way, 88% of the years we've run a deficit, with the surpluses coming at the tail-end of Clinton and the start of Bush 2. Big deal.

Comment Phase out fossil-fueled power plants by midcentury (Score 2) 308

Thus far, no other candidate has said they're going to make climate change their top priority.

Ever notice how politicians' plans are always far out in the future? Sure, 35 years is within the scope of of most of our lives, but usually they are well past the time that the politicians proposing them will be around to face the consequences. We hear the same thing all the time about balancing the budget and paying down the deficit ever since Reagan, but neither one has happened yet.

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