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Comment Re:Some Sense Restored? (Score 1) 522

Gimp has a dbus dependency, and dbus in turn has the systemd libs as dependencies.

Which still sounds odd to me. I'm running Gentoo on my main desktop (Mint on my laptop) and have never installed systemd. I've decided to stick with OpenRC. GIMP works fine here and I do have dbus installed.

It seems this dbus dependency is not an unsolvable problem.

Comment Re:Remove It (Score 2) 522

Binary logs are also far more secure, but I guess that doesn't matter to you.

That has to be most bizarre justification I've yet read. How exactly is a binary log more secure?

*nix systems have had permissions systems for the better part of half a century. If you don't want someone looking at a file, don't give them permissions, but if they do have permissions, the mere fact that a file is binary isn't an obstacle save to the technically illiterate (who wouldn't likely be looking at a log file anyways).

Comment Re:How balkanized? (Score 1) 139

I think balkanization is the way it's going to go. It may suck in some respects, but if I end up paying $30 or $40 a month, but it's made up of programs I actually have to watch, as opposed to flipping through dozens of channels filled with duplication or crap I have no interest in, for double that price, then i'll be happy.

And frankly, the studios should start getting worried. With Netflix producing and buying original programming, with HBO bringing its own suite to streaming, you can be sure players like AMC will be close behind. The traditional production and distribution model is beginning to break down. It may take a few more years, but you will, in a decade, have companies like Netflix and HBO as online behemoths, and the studios will find themselves the poor cousins.

Comment Designed in US, Built in EU, Filled in Iraq (Score 5, Informative) 376

The summary seems to have left out the most interesting tidbit:

According to the Times, the reports were embarrassing for the Pentagon because, in five of the six incidents in which troops were wounded by chemical agents, the munitions appeared to have been "designed in the US, manufactured in Europe and filled in chemical agent production lines built in Iraq by Western companies".

Where were they found? Next to the plants set up by Western companies that filled them in Iraq, of course. Who has control of those plants now? Why, ISIS of course. Don't worry, though, the people who thought it was better we didn't know about these things are assuring us that all those weapons were hurriedly destroyed.

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