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Comment Re:So DON'T GIVE CHASE (Score 2) 310

The US was beginning to move in that direction several years back. My memory is a bit foggy - it seems like California was leading the way, and maybe a couple of New England states. Time frame would have been the latter half of the '90's. Then, 9/11/01 happened, and cops were given carte blanche. At some point, fleeing and evading the police was made a felony, so that a cop could just shoot to kill anyone who attempted to flee.

IMHO, giving chase is often justified - but no one can justify chasing a bad guy into and through a school zone, or a hospital zone at insane speeds.

Comment Re:So (Score 1) 310

The cop decided to take the risk of exceeding any given speed, not you. YOU are only guilty of the speed at which you were driving. The cop is entirely responsible for his own actions.

Question - have you never witnessed police speeding for mundane reasons? No siren, no lights flashing, they're just driving along. I've seen them fly through villages with speed limits of 35, doing double the speed limit.

Cops routinely break the law in most of the US, all on their own initiative.

Comment Re: So (Score 1) 310

You ain't very bright. I stated that they gave chase, not that you were running. I used 80 or 90 mph as an example, precisely because those speeds are only a little bit over the legal speed limits in many places. So, you meet a cop on the interstate, doing around 80 - in many places that is just ten mile over the speed limit. The cop drives across the median, does his U-turn, and gives chase. HE EXCEEDS 100 MPH, so he tells the judge that the "chase" exceeded 100 mph, in an effort to make the arrest sound much more serious than a similar arrest in a 35 mph zone.

As for "running away from the cops" - well, maybe I have done that. You don't do it in the family car though. And, "speeds over 100 mph" are meaningless terms on/in any vehicle capable of outrunning a police car. The term "speeds in excess of 175" might make sense then, except very, very, VERY few police cars are capable of that.

Youtube has a number of videos attributed to "Ghost Rider". You might find them interesting. Note that not all of those videos are of the "real" Ghost Rider, but some of the false attributions are as good as the real ones.

Comment Re:modpoints (Score 1) 265

you can google for them as much I'm not an expert but TWRs are one, the LFTR we had during research in the 40s was regularly shut down passively and started back up-- the "off" is a solidified salt plug that melts if the blow loses power that's keeping it cooled/chilled/melted; and Pebble Bed reactors use neutron cross section broadening to slow the reaction the hotter they get. The later ones have expensive waste reprocessing (hey, good for the economy), the LFTR and TWR can eat our existing 70k tons stored in Yucca mountain, and their waste only need be stored for 300 years, not 10,000.

France has been 95% nuclear for 20 years now or so.
Even the AP1000's are just GenII+ designs, not truly modern age because, we won't approve newer, safer reactor designs because Nuclear Is Unsafe. Green and Liberals of all people should be hardcore for nuclear. It requires excessive government regulation, costs a lot to set up (but is worth it), and would let us easily halve if not quarter our carbon emissions from Coal plants. It doesn't matter how much cap/tax we do, it's going to be a drop in the bucket compared to China. Thankfully, at least they're buiding LFTR to look into.

Comment Re:So (Score 5, Interesting) 310

*sigh* I just wasted moderator points - just posting to negate the effects . . . .

Since I'm here, I'll point out that cops do the same thing on the ground. They chase you, maybe you're doing 80 or 90, but the cop exceeds 100 mph catching up to you. The police report states that the chase exceeded 100 mph, and the judge looks at that, and throws several books at you.

It would be great if cops were trustworthy.

Comment Re:Life on Mars? (Score 1) 265

The fermi paradox, plus the lack of reason to establish a colony in this solar system combined with the difficulty of leaving this solar system. It would be much, much easier to have colonies on the bottom of the ocean than to have them on the moon or Mars (and of course, Venus is brutal).

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see much reason for hope.

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