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Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

Exactly this! I like watching Jack Bauer "question" the bad guy as much as anyone, but what it comes down to is, it's not real! Nobody is really getting hurt, not even a criminal/terrorist. A real cop shouldn't do a fraction of the stuff we in the movies, and if they do, there should be heavy RL consequences.

Comment Re:Giving the customers what they want (Score 1) 216

Even with the whole season available, I don't really have time to watch it at once. I might see one or two eps, then I have to quit and do something else. Or I might be tired of that show and want to switch to a different one. Heck, I could decide that Sunday at 6 is "Daredevil time" and watch a single ep weekly like I used to with regular TV. The main downside is, I'm not on the same schedule as everyone else. If I've only seen the first two eps, I probably don't want to talk with someone who's seen the whole season.

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