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Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 213

Why test what you can not do. Lets start testing a mass produced date rape drug that can be applied with skin contact (there is one already but it is hugely dangerous to everyone). No, well why not, 'er' because it would be illegal. So why allow testing of something that would be banned, the whole idea makes no sense at all. Other reason to enforce bans. High unpredictability of wind at low altitude in built up areas and of course power lines.

Want easy delivery, build an city within a building and everything will be delivered to your door 24/7/365 and your job will be down the hall, down the lift and up another hall, as will all the other services you need.

Comment Re:It works at least as well... (Score 2) 124

The trick is in DNA itself. Whilst it might seem huge and whole lot can be done, it can not do everything and every time it changes to succeed in one area it must expose a weakness in another area (only so much DNA available to carry the genetic program of on and offs and more importantly the follow up 'how turned up the DNA switch is' buried in the so called junk DNA). So that salve being a very complex arrangement of many simultaneous anti-biotic attacks, is affective because whilst many elements of it fail, other elements succeed. So you follow the same example in modern anti-biotics, rather than a single molecule, you target the infection with many smaller doses of mutually supporting molecules and while some fail, others working together succeed.

So you change the nature of anti-biotics to composite forms. The additional benefit, is not only will you increase efficacy but you should substantially reduce side affects, unless you are really incompetent in creating suitable composite affect formulations. Likely the formulation will also work more rapidly, able to tackle various strains within an infection more readily.

Comment Re:Like a breath of fresh air (Score 0) 114

Unfortunately, fortunately, the rich want to lie, cheat and steal and they need privacy to do so, especially when corrupting government. So any laws that are equally applied are blocked in preference to newer laws that are not equally applied. Easy example of totally biased law, steal from a poor person and it is petty larceny, steal from a rich person and it is grand larceny and the investigation, prosecution and penalties hugely differ. In the case of the poor victim, meh tough luck suck it up where as for the rich, yes sir/,maam, we will catch them and prosecute them and punish the severely and they do.

So they will rewrite interpretations of the 4th amendment to ensure the rich get privacy and the poor get none. Likely distorted twists about corporations being routinely able to break the fourth amendment whilst government is banned from doing the same.

Comment Re:Contradiction in article summary (Score -1) 360

A real change has occurred in the industry. The inability of main stream media to control the mind scape as a result of the internet, which turned actors back into what they really are, muppets skilled at telling lies. Actors only appear as good as the writers write them, as the directors direct them, as the camera person shoots them and often now as the animator makes up for their inability to act. Actors are not the heroes they portray, they are empty muppets and they reality of who they are, often pulls down the story, that writers and directors try to tell. Celebrity has been replaced with psuedo celebrity, no one really buys into that crap from the last century, it all really was quite silly.

Now there are thousands upon thousands of narcissistic players out there and they are required to compete because the main stream media public relations bullshitters can no longer sell them to the same degree to make up for shitty writers and crappy directors and as such movie bombs bomb regardless of the 'named muppets' in them.

Future opportunities are gone, long gone and they will never return. In fact animation will likely eliminate them all together apart from limited stage work. Why should writers, directors and animators, bother with the endless demands and tantrums of muppets, when they no longer have to. That era is over and so is all the bullshit associated with it. Those narcissistic muppets can whine about it all they want but it is not coming back.

Comment Re:Boo hoo (Score 4, Insightful) 247

The reality is, the initial premise is a total lie. The NSA is a failed organisation and they are not looking for the same kind of people. They are looking for 2nd raters, people who specialise in breaking stuff and not in making stuff. The reality is securing stuff in computers is an order of magnitude harder than breaking security. The breakers are always second rate compared to makers, it is inherent in their cerebral makeup and the 2nd rate breakers know it to the core of their being, hence instead of making, their jealousy drives them to breaking.

The NSA were not particularly skilled at hacking, their targets were not focused enough on security and were easy to break into. Now of course the NSA script kiddie perverts are finding life much more difficult as companies become much more focused on security and are hiring the most skilled makers to make better security. The NSA stuck is now failing and that failure is far worse on the securing things side because of their chosen focus on breaking stuff on employing egoistic perverse script kiddies, incapable of securing stuff.

The US government was warned again and again and again, that in order to effectively secure their systems they must completely separate defensive operations from offensive operations but they were locked into arrogance mode and only listen to their own bullshit and now they are stuck.

If you are bright and interested in security, the real skill and challenge is in defensive operations, 24/7/365 operation of skills, abilities and knowledge, real investigatory skills on any exposed breaks or weaknesses and preventing them from happening again and creating a defence in depth system, giving greater opportunity to catch hacks are earlier less damaging levels. The people do not play well with breakers, not at all, the whole psychology is different.

Comment Re:Can I stream to it? (Score 0) 50

no, it will not make a great htpc.

its not open, no one can trust anything google does and there will be a catch, and then it will be eol'd and abandoned.

have people really not been paying attention to all the things google has lost interest in, over time? why would this be any different?

they are not a reliable vendor of anything. they change courses and leave you stranded. and there is always the spying, spying, spying.

I'd never buy any more google based hardware. that would be stupid!

Comment Re:Boo hoo (Score 1, Troll) 247

whores makes lots of money.

if you want to whore yourself out and turn the clock back on privacy and individual rights, sure, go right ahead.

I consider google workers to be whores, too. and facebook. people who can convince themselves that they are doing good work, but really, they are turning back the clock on progress and freedom.

if you work for the surveillance state, you deserve your own private hell. I firmly believe that. I hope I am not ever forced to decide between caving in and working for evil companies vs putting bread on the table. I've seen MORE than my share of being out of work, but so far, I have not had to work for truly evil places. those that willingly choose that, those are the traitors among us.

Comment Re:2 weeks notice? Fuggedabouit (Score 1) 279

most? not in my experience!

and there are huge strings attached. you have to promise (writing) not to due them for any reason, ever. you have to obey other rules (never say anything bad about them on forums, etc etc).

and if you are a contractor, you get walked out in 0 or 1 days, no severance, no nothing. last time I was let go (as a contractor) the manager didn't even have the common human courtesy to speak to me or give me the reason for the dismissal. total surprise, came out of nowhere (I was meeting my deadlines and my work was well received). yet, I got a call from the job shop saying 'pack up, tomorrow is your last day. no discussion allowed. bye.'

yes, the US is a fucking nightmare for employment. if you have not seen this YET, you will. get to a certain age and you'll find its nothing BUT this kind of bullshit.

we need a new new deal. companies are going back to their bad old ways, from 100 years ago. slowly but surely, they are. not good for workers anymore. you are a cog, nothing more.

Comment Re: Tim Cook is a Pro Discrimination Faggot (Score 1) 1168

I am. I believe in annullment of non fruitful unions. Fuck who you like, cohabitate as you like, but make marriage about nurturing families has ALWAYS been my position. I came to this position when my tasks as a life insurance agent/financial planner led me to help rich DINKs pay less taxes using marriage laws, and felt strongly enough about it to change careers.

My position may not be to your liking, but it is still based on logical long term social best interests as I see them, and not extremism or prejudice.

Comment Re:2 weeks notice? Fuggedabouit (Score 3, Insightful) 279

companies in the US no longer DESEVE 2 weeks notice. the rules are no longer valid; they won't give YOU notice. don't give them any courtesy they won't give you.

there is no loyalty anymore, so why play old games that are no longer valid?

you are a cog. you are just a worker.

just leave on the say you give notice. business is business, tell them you need to do what's best for you and that means leaving today.

they won't give you the same respect they 'expect' from you, so don't give it to them (anymore).

sad that its like this, but IT IS. only newbies and fools have loyalty to companies, now.

Comment Re:Cause, or effect? (Score 1, Insightful) 324

Could it also be related to poorer parents working more hours, thus having less time to be with the kids during their early years

There are probably dozens of measurable ways being poor affects the development of brains. But ultimately, it's happening because that's the way the people at the very top in terms of wealth and power want it. The last think they want is for poor people to suddenly become successful, and develop political power.

One of the side-effects of the New Deal and the labor movement in America is that a bunch of people who were on the shitty side of the street suddenly were able to take a big step up. GIs coming out of WW2 who would normally have gone to work in the coal mine or slaughter house suddenly had the means to go to college, buy a house, live a life of reasonable comfort. And do you know what they did with this sudden shift in circumstances? They developed political power. Their kids went from blue collar to white collar. And similar steps up during the pre and post-war period occurred for women and American blacks.

And this scared the bejeesus out of the elite. So, in the 70s, and peaking in the 80s, there came an effort to undo these advancements. The effort included an attack on New Deal programs like Social Security and the labor movement. The effort included the flooding of the inner city with crack cocaine (which we now know to have been run by our own government). The effort included the confluence of evangelical religion with supply-side capitalism by Billy Graham (who started his ministry with funds from the Chamber of Commerce).

The effort to put the genie back in the bottle continues to this day, and it's been quite successful. Economic disparity hasn't been this out of whack since the 19th century. Militarized policing, private prisons, an attack on public education are all fronts in this class war being waged by the elite. You want to see it in action, watch the political policies being pushed by governors of Kansas, Indiana, and many states throughout the South and in big cities in the North. Just watch.

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