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Comment Re:And as usual, Slashdot commenters miss the poin (Score -1) 280

. I work in a place right now where I've been told to be EXTREMELY careful about the wording I use around the female employees. Our workplace will sooner fire me than hear my side of the story so that they don't get a law suit. And its happened here before. Twice.

"So this dame comes up to me and asks about Python, right? So I show her my dick. What's the big deal? Now I gotta deal with some sexual harassment shit."

Comment Re:Ex Machina is the best (Score 1) 236

Even overweight, unattractive women think that they are attractive, and they have the dismissive attitudes of their much more beautiful sisters [...] they do not appreciate attention from men whom they consider lesser than themselves.

So ... it's the fault of the women that they don't find you attractive? They should appreciate any attention they receive from you because you believe them to be unattractive? That's surprisingly arrogant.

There seems to be a theme here. The less successful you are with women, the more likely you are to blame the media, feminism, women in general, or some other factor external to yourself. Have you considered that you're simply not a great catch? That you're less attractive than you believe yourself to be?

Comment Re:Terminator (Score 1) 236

A real AI would probably shutdown itself seeing that none of this is of any consequence;

If existence is meaningless, the only question left is suicide, said a zillion existentialists in their mid to late teens after reading The Outsider.

The question, then, is why so many of you survive.

Comment Re:Ex Machina is the best (Score 4, Insightful) 236

Man, you've got some serious issues. Women don't exist to service you sexually. They have far more to contribute than just a warm and wet place to stuff your tally-whacker.

Try this: Shower regularly, lose the flab, dress like an adult, and treat women like people and you just might find you'll have more success when you interact with them.

Comment Re:Feels weird agreeing with scientologists (Score 2) 265

What about all the people who think they have free will?

Here's something fun: Can you actually believe that you don't have free will? I don't mean some silly statement like "I can't see how free will is possible", but actually observe yourself acting, free from the illusion? After all, with other illusions, you can "shake them off" an see them for what they are -- separating what is from what is apparent. If you can deny such a strong and ever-present aspect of your own experience, how does that affect your perception of yourself? Can you take pride in your accomplishments or feel shame for your failures? Does it have any meaning to you to know that the meat robot you happen to inhabit made, for example, a +5 post? It wouldn't be the meaningful, experiential, you, after all, that accomplished that, but some 'other' external to you. You were just along for the ride. Is that consequence a fact you recognize or do you hold on to the illusion?

Or the ones who can look straight at a penis vs. a vagina then declare that gender is "socially constructed?"

There's a distinction they draw between sex and gender. You're having trouble understanding their position because you conflate the two.

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