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Comment Re: So... (Score 5, Funny) 572

manager: "Sysadmins hate us for our freedoms!"

sysadmin: "I'm standing right here John."

manager: "The global caliphate of sysadmins threaten our children!"

sysadmin: "I'm still standing right here John."

manager: "Sysadmins will kill all our children."

(sysadmin pulls out cell phone, and initiates an scp of a transaction dump, showing all the embezzlement, hookers and blow, said manager has been prodigiously enjoying.)


Submission + - New site ranks linux distro popularity (

An anonymous reader writes: A new site aims to more scientifically study and rank the relative popularity among Linux & BSD distros. Using multiple data sources, distros are ranked according to popularity factors like number of news articles published about that distro, visitor surveys and search engine results. Check it out!
Red Hat Software

Submission + - Is Red Hat Blocking Ubuntu Developers? (

sfcrazy writes: Ubuntu founder Mark shuttleworth has again taken a jab at Red Hat, the world's most successful open source company. In a recent IRC when he was asked about the relationship between Ubuntu and Gnome teams Mark Shuttleworth replied: We felt blocked by Red Hat on specific parts they control.

Is it another Canonical gimmick to get mindshare or is Red Hat really playing dirty?


Submission + - Tablet UIs on Laptops/Desktops: What's Slashdot's Readers' take? ( 1

dcbrianw writes: I want to know the Slashdot's community's take on the new trend of desktop and laptop operating system developers moving towards tablet based UI's. Ubuntu has moved to Unity. Windows 8 will have such a UI. Even Gnome 3 looks tablet based. You can revert to Gnome classic, but it's very minimal in comparison Gnome 2.

If I'm not using a tablet, I don't want my computer to operate as though I am. I'm just not sold on this, and I want my old UI back (without having to use earlier, less advanced OS'). What are others' takes on this? Am I missing some of the pros associated with a tablet UI on non-tablet devices?

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