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Comment Re:This is the long way to say... (Score 2) 162

We've reached the limits of the flash technology which drives both the SATA and PCIe versions of the storage device

Individual chips have an upper cap on speed, but that's why every SSD on the market accesses numerous devices in parallel. All you need to do to make an SSD go faster is add more NAND devices in parallel and a slightly faster controller to support them.

Flash is not all that fast and it quickly becomes the limiting factor on how fast you can read data out of it.

Maybe if you have no idea what you're talking about.

Comment Re:good to know (Score 1) 118

unlike most of the business ppl, such as Romney, Fiorina, McNerney, Welsh, Koch bros, etc, they focus on nothing but making money and have no interest in the future of America or Mankind

None of the people you quoted appear to give a damn about the future of America or Mankind, either. They simply chose a different route to more money and power for themselves - one that hurts far, far more.

Comment Re:Billionaire saved by taxpayer (Score 3, Insightful) 118

That is not capitalism, but corporatism (which is the politically correct modern name for fascism).

No, "corporatism" was Mussolini's preferred phrase, over that of "fascism." It is not "fascism" by any stretch of the imagination for a company to get a loan from the government.

Since there was another option, although less palatable to Musk, he should not have received a federal bailout.

And subjected himself to the whims of the corporations that gave him money? I'm sure they totally wouldn't interfere with the way the company operated, they'd never start demanding ridiculous growth at the cost of product quality and customer service, not at all.

unlike the GM bailout, this bailout was to somebody in the 1% group to enable him to make luxury automobiles for others in the 1%.

At worst there is no difference. At best, it prevented an actually innovative company from sinking and its technology dispersing into the market, never to be heard from again while GM et. al. continued doing what they were doing.

Comment Re:Judicial rules? (Score 1) 191

Perhaps. I don't see their bailing out as the big thing, like it's a protest.

It's unseemly for jurists working for tue government to appear at a conference where a featured speaker is on the lam.

It says nothing about the issues being debated -- some may even privately support him, or at least Wikileaks.

It's like US supreme Court justices applauding at political statements by the president during the state of the union.

Comment Re:Walking advertisements (Score 1) 61

You don't need water reminders for daily life, nor do you need a water bottle. Nor, for the most part, water.

You get more or less enough from your food alone. "You need to keep hydrated" is a fraud along the lines of valentine's day stuff -- a complete creation of companies.

Hehe. You pay twice what you pay for pop...for water.

Comment Re:Interstate Water Sharing system (Score 1) 678

The Supreme Court has long ruled any federal plan to siphon from the Great Lakes requires the permission of the states on them, not to mention Canada by way of treaty.

I doubt they could do it without their permission, for that matter, as California is seen as a folly of its own making -- go let them hang. The Great Lake states vote, too, and are larger. May we assemble a multi billion dollar debt package payment for you, too? /sarcasm-this-is-about-as-likely-to-pass

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