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Comment Re:Just like the economy (Score 1) 118

This story really surprised me - I expected that sort of behaviour from a Socialist Five Year Plan but not really from the US. Even the instructions from the Party Secretary fit: "The fish division hasn't done anything new in 20 years. Get out there and do something big and spectacular.". The main difference is that the fishing would at least initially have been reserved for party members, maybe top party members.

That story had a link to the next part which took a more modern approach. I found the whole thing fascinating.

Comment Re:Nation uses malware to spy on ISP Customers... (Score 1) 143

Start from the countries on the list: Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Ireland, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Belgium, Austria, Pakistan. The percentages added up to 100, a surprise because I would expect at least one or two percent to be "other". That makes me mistrust the figures a bit.

"Significant" countries not on the list include: the US, Canada, Britain, Germany, Israel, Japan, Australia, France, Turkey, Yemen, Iraq, Syria or any of the smaller Gulf States such as Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai. What is also interesting is that Snowden has said nothing about it.

That makes it look a bit like a co-production to me, one state organisation produced it but they shared it with at least one other country.
Russia being top back around 2008-2011 implicates some of the main western countries.
Saudi Arabia being so high on the list implicates Israel, Gulf States, or possibly the U.S.
Austria could possibly point towards Israel.
Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan point towards the U.S.
Mexico being up there implicates the U.S.
Ireland? The only reason I can see for them being on the list is Transatlantic Cables. The GCHQ would maybe care that much.

I would expect the country which produced this to have infected some servers in their own country, to deflect suspicion.
Finally, one significant political event in 2011 was the fall of Mubarak in Egypt. If they were behind it then the dates when it was inactive would make sense, so would the subsequent reappearance. Do they have the ability?

Comment Re:Summary is hogwash (Score 1) 271

Looking at the Article, I see that with "Imports City" the customer is required to sign a form acknowledging there's a GPS unit in their vehicle. The article does *not* say that he got his car from them, or even any other dealership in Raleigh NC although that is implied. He kidnapped a random person and drove her to a hideout two hours away? Sheesh.

Comment Re:Question for btrfs users... (Score 3, Informative) 42

I installed it in this machine a couple of hours ago - after testing on a spare machine yesterday.
I have used SuSE and then Opensuse for years, and have had problems with pretty much every single upgrade. The only problem I had with this one was that my DVD writer ejected the dvd while there was still some data in the buffer. I used the mount/loop command to extract the .iso to a partition, booted from the dvd (that part was ok) and used the partition as the source instead of the dvd. There is now a separate "Update" option now and for the first time for years, the install went through without any problems at all. Even the multimedia stuff was fine, once I added the two repositories.

Surprising was the number of updates (around 60) to a release which came out 3 days ago.

Tomorrow I'll start testing the network options, but so far so good.

btw, if you have ext4 partitions, 13.2 is not going to start mounting them as btrfs or converting them or something. Existing partitions will keep their existing filesystems, although the content will be updated if appropriate. The default for *new* partitions is apparently btrfs but I'll be using that sparingly for a while now.

Comment Re:Gay? (Score -1, Flamebait) 764

I don't see why it should be a reason to be "proud". Gay is the way he is rather than something he has chosen but it does not confer some form of superiority on him. If he was a paedeophile though, that definitely *would* be a reason to be "unproud".

Whatever, see if I care.

Comment Re:I am SHOCKED! (Score 1) 323

I don't know about Japan (but I imagine you are wrong), but Germany is not an "occupied country" any more. One of the side-effects of reunification was a peace treaty formally ending that status. With the USSR giving up control of "their part" the western allies had no reason not to do the same. Margaret Thatcher was less than enthusiastic about this but could do little once George Bush the Elder (I think it was him and not Clinton) had made the decision. Thatcher was dumped around then anyway and John Major was a lot less bigoted.

Going back to the actual story here: At the time the Nazis took power, a large proportion of German scientists were jewish. Once their initial fears proved to be overly optimistic, those who could headed for the exits and were mostly not replaced. At that point German as the "Language of Science" was pretty much dead, losing WW2 just confirmed this.

Comment Re: blocking the networks owners ? (Score 1) 429

Did you read the same synopsis I did? He is not talking about the owners, he is talking about other users coming in and grabbing all the bandwidth in public hotspots.
That would be an extremely useful tool in Germany, the hotspot owner is liable if someone is caught file-sharing over his/her access point. I can see owners wanting to run this, it would have to run under Windows though.

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