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Comment Re:Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... (Score 2) 169

With the timeframe and technical aspects of the project I'm guessing its either a pyramid scam or the best pitch for a survivor sequel ever. Only without the happy outcome of the original series.

If they actually do produce a "Survivor: Mars", and actually do send a couple dozen reality TV contestants to the Red Planet - I'd consider it a win.

Maybe, if we're really lucky, they'll include the Kardashians.

Comment Re:My LED bulb didn't last! (Score 4, Insightful) 328

This is where I'm at as well, although I may just replace the fluorescent fixtures themselves with ones designed for LEDs.

My first LED bulbs were installed in April 2011. I saved the box and receipt because I wasn't sure they'd last. Since then I've been gradually replacing the (often crap) CFL bulbs with LEDs. I've yet to have an LED bulb fail. I've even started replacing our three way incandescent bulbs in the torchieres with 3 way LEDs because the tech has won me over - sure they're pricey, but three way bulbs are more expensive anyway and don't last long at all.

Except for the kitchen (where the fluorescent tubes are) we're pretty much converted.

Oh, and at Costco I can get three packs for under $15 right now.

Comment Re:No Law broken (Score 3, Informative) 315

Mrs. Clinton broke no laws at all. The laws requiring saving of emails by officials were passed after Mr. Clinton left office.

Nice attempt at obfuscation there. This has nothing to do with when Bill Clinton was President. This is about how Hillary Clinton handled her email while she was Secretary of State under President Obama.

Comment Re:Who or what is Gigaom? (Score 2) 101

Gigaom is a media company (mostly news aggregation and blogging) founded by writer/journalist Om Malik, who turned out to be the company's only asset. After he left for greener pastures in 2014, the site slid quickly into obscurity.

Mr. Malik followed the typical Internet business model, in other words. I feel bad for anyone working for the site; however I'm not going to shed tears for the foolish investors who bought it.

But remember - this isn't a bubble.

Comment Re:In related news... (Score 2) 208

People fall back on these conspiracies in part because the plane has been missing for over a year, and they can't grasp how that's possible without there having been some willful act being part of the explanation. But the ocean is huge, and it's taken longer than this to find missing airliners before - just ask the French.

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