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Journal Journal: The Kevlar Kandidate Waffles on Homosexuality 21

We might be able to start a "Kevlar vs Kevlar" list soon, in the same way that others had made "McCain vs McCain lists" showing how the latter was flipping his positions in the breeze. Team Kevlar might need to get a press release out to clarify this issue before people stop paying attention to him:

Source: CNN's State of the Union interview with the Kevlar Kandidate

Walker on if being gay is a choice: âoeOh, I mean I think - that's not even an issue for me to be involved in. The bottom line is, I'm going to stand up and work hard for every American regardless of who they are, no matter where they come from, no matter what their background. I'm going to fight for people and no matter whether they vote for me or not.â

Walker on if Boys Scouts of America should keep its ban on gay leaders: âoeThat's up to the people who run the boy scouts. â¦Sure. I said in this case that's what I thought. I thought the policy was just fine. ⦠I was saying when I was in scouts it was fine. You're asking what should the policy be going forward? It should be left up to the leaders of the scouts.â

Notice his very humble interview, in the back of his Winnebago. Don't you usually give media interviews in your decked-out Winnebago? He's just like everyone else, of course...

First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal Journal: The Kevlar Kandidate Channels Benghazi 4

Republican Doublethink on Mass Shootings: Scott Walker Edition

There is no shortage of popular conspiracies for Republicans to channel when looking to enrage their base against President Lawnchair. Barely a week in to his "official" campaign (which unofficially started at least a year ago), Scott "Kevlar" Walker reached for one of the most popular conspiracies in a recent appearance on Fox News:

Mr. Walker and the Fox host Megyn Kelly tut-tutted about the fact that President Obama did not immediately call the Chattanooga killer a Muslim terrorist. They had no idea at the time whether that was true, but the point of the exchange was to attack Mr. Obama. They used it to revive another favorite talking point â" that the president did not quickly label the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi as a terrorist attack

He also is testing the popularity of a conservative bill from not-too-long ago:

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who recently joined the Republican primary carnival in an âoeofficialâ way, says the government should reauthorize the Patriot Act in response to the murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, Tenn., by a 24-year-old gunman.

Which segues into another popular tack for that side:

And he suggested that changing a policy that stops military personnel from carrying weapons in certain civilian areas would have prevented the attack. Those policies âoeare outdated,â Mr. Walker said on Fox News, because the United States is âoeat war and radical Islamic terrorism is our enemy.â

User Journal

Journal Journal: Shout out to the Nematodes 25

I'd like to ask the worms on here to defend that scumbag Chisholm, but such would require vertebrae.

It is utterly clear that the special prosecutor has employed theories of law that do not exist in order to investigate citizens who were wholly innocent of any wrongdoing. In other words, the special prosecutor was the instigator of a "perfect storm" of wrongs that was visited upon the innocent Unnamed Movants and those who dared to associate with them. It is fortunate, indeed, for every other citizen of this great State who is interested in the protection of fundamental liberties that the special prosecutor chose as his targets innocent citizens who had both the will and the means to fight the unlimited resources of an unjust prosecution.

I rarely feel genuine shame over my country, but this is an example of a source thereof.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Am I human? 4

According to slashdot, apparently not. I keep getting "You have failed to confirm you are a human"

User Journal

Journal Journal: No wonder the Left foams at all orifices 168

Imagine winning three elections (one being a recall election that public sector unions poured thousands upon thousands of dollars into) in four years in the deeply divided blue-collar progressive Utopia of Wisconsin. Imagine breaking the back of the organized heart and soul of the Democrat party and dispatching AFL-CIO leader Richard "Morrie The Wig Salesman" Trumka back to the White House to show the President the "W" shaped scar carved into his forehead as a warning to anyone else who stepped foot in the state.

Imagine doing all this after Democratic state legislators fled for the safe harbor of Illinois to avoid voting on your legislation. Imagine having woken up every day to phone calls relating tales unionized shock-troops on your parentsâ(TM) front lawn and threats not only on your life but the lives of your kids. Now imagine having the real heroes, the brave national media, mock and ridicule you over this. Imagine accomplishing all of this while a partisan Milwaukee District Attorney authorizes the illegal invasion of the homes of your friends, supporters and aides, lawlessly confiscating private property, all while colluding with Lois Lerner and the IRS.

I happened to catch his announcement speech live on OANN yesterday. The Left will be invoking Cthulhu in most maniacal tones trying to call down some unfortunate demise on this Walker.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Breaking News: Kevlar Kandidate Knows Only 30 States 18

At least, that is what the headline would read if this news article was spun the same way by the "mainstream news" as the one that generated the line that causes conservatives to cream their shorts endlessly about Obama suggesting "57 states":

"ACT scores are up and Wisconsin now ranks second in the country" - Kevlar Kandidate

"But the state's ACT college admission scores are not up, and it ranks second out of 30 states - not the entire country" - USA Today, after fact-checking his claim

Would the Kevlar Kandidate do better by only going after electoral votes from 30 states - particularly when 28 of them have worse average ACT scores than his? As I mentioned in a comment elsewhere, I don't expect him to last long regardless.


Journal Journal: Kevlar Kandidate Makes it Official (and Surprises Nobody)

Yep, it's official, Kevlar for President. He already has had the ear of the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelstein. He's been spending a lot of time in Iowa and New Hampshire, and he looks oh, so good on camera.

Though he did decide to go rogue - only slightly, as he would - by waiting a little later into the campaign cycle to formally declare candidacy than his friend Teflon Tim did back in 2011. Unlike the Teflon Candidate, though, The Kevlar Kandidate has much higher name recognition and could afford to come in a little later. Now the problem he has is in taking his name recognition and building it into something useful, as he is surrounded by other candidates who are proposing the same policies.
User Journal

Journal Journal: It just keeps getting WI-IRS 32

The two most egregious examples of government interference in recent elections may share a link. More than two years after it got exposed, the IRS' partisan probes of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status remains unresolved, thanks to the obstruction of the IRS in producing the relevant records to Congressional investigators--and the refusal of Lois Lerner, the central figure in the scandal, to testify. The status of the John Doe probe in Wisconsin that also attempted to derail conservative groups from participating in elections is similarly unresolved, but has been halted by judges who may end up killing it and the law on which itâ(TM)s based altogether.

Stipulate that
- There Is Nothing To See Here, Move Along, and
- Nuremberg Defense, and
- Conservatives Are Just Lightweight Metallic Headwear Aficionados, and
- If The Tea Parties Hadn't Worn That Short Skirt To The Bar Where The Violent Illegal Alien Was Cleaning The Federal Agent's Hog-Leg, The Tea Party Probably Wouldn't Have Been Ventilated.
Those zany conservatives. Always going for the victim narrative.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Add this to your reading list - America's Bitter Pill 159

America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System

Conservatives won't like it because it supports the thesis I have been repeating for some time - that the republicans voted against the ACA not because they disliked the contents but because they didn't want Obama to get the credit for a health care reform bill.

Liberals won't like it because it shows how the ACA is just the next offspring of a long lineage of conservative bills that line the pockets of big businesses in the guise of improving health care.

Slashdot "libertarians" won't like it because it isn't a youtube video of Ron Paul

Smitty won't like it because I posted a link to it :)
User Journal

Journal Journal: Strange SQL Server 2014 behavior 7

I have a Select Statement that returns 4 rows. When used in a stored procedure as input to an Insert Into, though, it was returning five rows. I commented out SET NOCOUNT ON; which is added by the SQL 2014 template. It then returned 4 rows. To test that was what was really going on, I uncommented out SET NOCOUNT ON; and it is now returning 4 rows properly.

I made no other changes.

Anybody else ever run into anything like this??

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