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Comment Re:Google is your friend (Score 2) 107


The good news is that Namecheap found the attack early and took measures to defeat the attempt to log into NameCheap accounts, the bad news is this is not just a security issue for Namecheap but seems to be along the lines of the groups of Russian Hackers which gained access to hundreds of thousands of email accounts and millions of user Id’s and passwords last month so its an issue for all Internet Users

Comment Re:Placing all your eggs in one basket (Score 1) 62

Is that sarcasm? In reality, I don't generaly carry credit cards at all. I do have some, but they are used very sparingly.

Learn the credit card company's tricks. Have a high balance card? Get a great cash advance offer for 6 months? Beware. All your payments go toward the main balance and the great cash advance is untouched and then jumps to high interest after the introduction period. Buy a pair of socks or other purchases? Guess what your paymnets go towards while your cash advance at the higher rate continues to roll over month to month.

If you use a cash advance or other promotion, put the card in a safe and don't touch it. Pay it off. Don't carry the card. If I had only one card, and it was tied to everything, I could not take advantage of great offers when they come up without being taken to the cleaners. Rotate the cards. Use the perks, but know the game. Using them carelessly is very expensive.

Ever have a card company call you to find out why you are not using a card with a 0 balance? I have. Told them their interest rate was too high. I was using other cards instead. Got a much lower competitive rate. Now another card is in the lockbox unused. Can't do this with only one card. Use the leverage.

Comment Re:What goes around (Score 2) 182

If they get away from this and this is how low the bar is set, I can imagine the established taxi service with a central dispatch system will employ the tactic on the orignator, and have some backlash protection quickly able to blacklist blocks of cell numbers on throw away accounts and whitelisting many bars and other public access phones.

Blacklisted - Do not respond, long drive to arrive.. Trac Phone number or Magic Jack number, or already abused number.

Tenative, unknown new customer on questionable prefix. Respond if very local to a driver. No long drives and limit wating time.

Whitelist, Joe's Bar where Joe calls the cab for someone, gives customer's ID, or a taxi regular.

Comment Re:Not worth it (Score 1) 251

This extra labor and skill simply adds to the TCO of the WIndows product. What is your time worth?

Sometimes the cost of a clean copy is cheaper than the time and effort required to properly clean an OEM copy. It is much easier to wipe and install Mint or some other OS that comes clean and with fully functional applications. I've stopped dual booting on more than one or two machines, becasue each time I boot into Windows for some requried Windows specific task, I'm stuck waiting on the shutdown for "Configuring Windows, Please do not power off" screen on top of the AV Updates, Windows Updates, Flash Updates, etc that has delayed startup. This is how a once or twice a month Windows task turns from 5 minutes to 25 Minutes +.

Unless you boot into Windows at least twice a week, it will remind you how much it is a time drain.

Comment Re:Scambaiter sites are NSFW (Score 0) 251

Just a reminder that scambaiting sites are generaly NSFW. Some have explicit phontos and situations, and some simply due to the race isses. I got in trouble mentioning a 419 scam at work because it disparages a non white race only due to the country with the 419 Penal Code in the name of the scam.

Save scambaiting for off work hours if your complany is super PC sensitive. Do study the scams to prevent being a victim. Do educate your co-workers against Advance Fee Fraud. Don't call it 419 or mention Nigerian law. That could be a PC issue at work.

Comment Re:Got one of these once (Score 4, Interesting) 251

On my first one, this is how it ended as I went to the website and downloaded the application and offered him the options of "Save" or "Cancel". This confused him for quite a while. He asked me to "Open" it , so I opened it in Package Manager and found the Exe contained another file inside the container. So I extracted that. Finaly we got to the non Windows issue and he hung up. This took almost 40 minutes due to trying to get remote access working.

These guys are getting smarter in regards to people being on to them.

The latest call was much shorter as they expalined my PC was uploading to some server. I reacted supprised and inquired as to the server my machine was logging into so I could check my router log. He immediately queried me on why I was skeptical. I explained that I wasn't, but needed to follow up on the breech with the network team to find the target server that was collecting our information. He again accused me of being skeptical and as I again said I wasn't, but needed security to follow up on the breech and check the network gateway logs, he simply hung up on me. They don't want to deal with anyone that understands computers.

That call never got to the event viewer or remote access. Was fun to have him hang up on me wihout even saying goodby.

Comment Re:Why Fy? (Score 1) 260

Low level RF has the same emission pattern as a lit cigarette. At 50 yards the heat won't burn you. At 5 feet the heat won't burn you. Place one in your lap, the test results may be different than the government claims. I'm fine with WiFi in a laptop computer. The antennas are at the top edge of the lid. A cell phone in your pocket or a tablet pasted against your head does not have this 5+ inches of seperation.

Comment Re:They always told me I was so smart... (Score 1) 243

How smart you are depends on whose Kitchen you are standing in at the time. Sub Shop for kitchen and you get the idea. Put a BBQ chef in a bakery and watch the failure.

A movie I really enjoyed about not telling students how good they are is "The Paper Chase" A student feels pressure to not flunk out as a failure. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt00... Older film, great drama.

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