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Comment Re:Drink the kool aide (Score 1) 185

You're not off base. I think you're right on target. I also think that process sows the seeds of Google's fall, like every other tech company before you.

Look up psychology studies on creativity some time. Creativity and intelligence both benefit from collaboration but unlike intelligence, creativity is not a rapid-fire process. If intelligence measures how quickly you find a solution, creativity measures how many solutions you find over time.

Your hiring process biases towards high intelligence but middling creativity. You then use collaboration as a substitute for creative thinking -- many people, many viewpoints.

Unfortunately, you don't get genuine creativity this way. As often as not you get groupthink instead. Unusually smart groupthink but even so. This shows in Google's products, especially the user interfaces. Many of those UIs have steadily deteriorated over the past half decade. And you've selected for staff who despite their genius are quite literally incapable of reversing the trend.

Submission + - LG Split Screen Software Compromises System Security (developerscouch.com)

jones_supa writes: The Korean electronics company LG ships a split screen tool with their ultra wide displays. It allows to slice the Windows desktop into multiple segments, which is actually a nice feature. However, installing the software seriously compromises security of the particular workstation. The developers required administrator access for the software, but apparently they hacked their way out. The installer silently disables User Account Control, and enables a policy to start all applications as Administrator. In the article there is also a video presentation of the setup procedure. It is safe to say that no one should be running this software in its current form.

Comment Re:Drink the kool aide (Score 2) 185

Which brings me to my other complaint: Google looks at how people think "on their feet" to the exclusion of how they think and perform over time.

I don't know about you, but unless the problem is crazy-simple or something I've seen a dozen times before, I simply don't think in 45-minute timescales. Give me a week and I'll have three solid solutions. Give me a month and I'll have a dozen more, at least one of which is ingenious.

Give me your 45 minute segment of an all-day interview and as often as not I'll have only trash. Working trash but haphazard inscalable trash nevertheless. When you judge me by that trash, you grossly misjudge me.

Comment Drink the kool aide (Score 5, Insightful) 185

The key to interviewing at Google is to drink the kool aide before you arrive. Download and use the core software they make available. If you're not enthusiastic enough about their tool chain to do that, mere competence won't carry you over the finish line.

Most companies couldn't get away with that but Google is Google. At least for now.

Comment Re:The tarnishing of spirits really helps (Score 1) 228

Yes, actually, there is something better about that land. First, it's 13,000 feet above sea level, outside most of the earth's atmosphere. Second, the winds above the side are unusually stable, making it easy to post-process the data with computers to get rid of atmospheric distortion.

It's one of the few places on earth you can collect astronomical data with quality comparable to a space-based telescope.

Comment No (Score 1) 228

Sorry, no, you don't get to declare the entire top of the mountain that's the single best astronomy spot in the world, land you don't own or make any effort to maintain, as your cultural heritage location. The handful of spots up there that aren't a straight-up moonscape are already protected. Get over yourselves.

'sides, it's sacred as in the aborigines spun yarns about it while performing human sacrifice against enemies at the oceanfront heiaus scores of miles away laterally and 2 miles down. Not sacred as in lots of cultural events were actually held in the thin air at 13,000 feet atop the mountain.

Comment Fix it (Score 1) 1

Incident response: you're done as soon as you restore his access. The higher-ups made the call to keep him working for the next two weeks. It is not your place to countermand of interfere with that decision. If they wanted his access cancelled, they would have sent him home. Every minute he loses to your behavior is another bit of knowledge that doesn't get transferred to the next guy.

Long term: You have serious problems to address with your backups and business continuity planning. How do I know? Because if your backups were in order you wouldn't have asked. You'd know that you can readily undo any damage the guy might cause.

Comment python and java (Score 4, Informative) 486

They tested using strings in python and java, both of whose string libraries are very much overweight. And they tested by concatinating strings in a way that requires constant reallocations and memory copies versus pushing data to fixed size disk buffers in the OS cache.

So... surprise! When writing data sequentially the C implementation of disk buffers is faster than the java and python implementations of strings.

Comment Slashdot summary is confused (surprise!) (Score 1) 166

Article TLDR version: a cluster of microcontrollers (raspberry pis) does not a real-time operating system (RTOS) make.

The article has to do with deadline-based process timing in a dispersed computing cluster. It has nothing at all do with "network time" which means keeping clocks in sync.

Comment USSR (Score 1) 1089

Learned as a child that the Soviet Union had mandatory voting to try to pretend like they weren't a totalitarian state. Very bad for any community that failed to have a high turnout, so they were always over 90%. Wondered why Obama doesn't remember this basic civics lesson. Then I remembered: he spent much of his childhood abroad where he wouldn't have been exposed to U.S. culture.

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