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Comment Re:Damnit... (Score 1) 201

^this times a million.
Really, as if we needed more proof that the majority of humanity (never including us, of course) are just vapid, moronic sheep, driven by impulse and entirely unable to understand long-term cause effect or act for their own good.

Maybe the Democrats/Republicans are right, and we should just let them in Washington think for the rest of us. I mean, could it be worse than us doing it ourselves?

Comment I may regret sharing this.... (Score 5, Interesting) 247

...but my refuge for the zombie apocalypse?
The town water tower. Specifically, INSIDE/atop.

First benefit is that (until now) nobody else would be going there, and you avoid the panic-rush when everyone gets stuck on the freeways.
Many/most(?) stations have emergency generators already built in and by law well-equipped for sustained operation.
Ample fresh water, obviously, and a great situation for catching clean rainfall.

Most of our local towers are largely flat, and basically immune to severe weather and heavily insulated, meaning you'd have a secure, highly defensible place with great sightlines (to signal/communicate other survivors, if that's something you want to do), so high that even if they were attracted to your location, they'd have to pile up so high they'd pretty much liquefy at the bottom before getting to you.

Bring your acetylene kit as you evacuate*, and you could really build a nice home in there, including ziplines to nearby roofs/buildings for foraging (granted, getting back up there if there were zombies around your entry might stink).
*lots of small communities actually have a fair amount of tools stored right inside in the base for maintenance, saving you a lot of work.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 5, Insightful) 110

Well, you don't seem like the original poster, but I think you answered my question.

1. Fit in a pocket
2. Are more than adequate for most pop music produced in the last 75 years.
3. Are more than adequate for most mobile listening environments.
4. Are more than adequate for podcasts.
5. Can passively cancel ambient noise without looking like Princess Leia.
6. Might, depending on personal preference, be more comfortable.
7. More amenable to wearing during physical activity.
8. Starting cost is around $1.

But yes, they completely suck for all purposes.

Comment Re:Climate change phobia (Score 0) 341

Except that - even if you agree that climate is changing, which seems to be indisputably true - it's still rather humanocentric to assume that we "could have changed something".*

* First, you have to assume that global warming is driven largely by humans; considering that about every 120k years there's a sudden spike in temps and CO2 and the last one was...120k years ago, I think the burden of proof (that this one is caused by SUVs and Republicans, when none of the previous dozen were) is still on the AGW folks, depite the politically-driven IPCC reports.
Second, you have to assume that the warming isn't simply intrinsic to how we live in the 21st century, like the concomitant carcinogens that are consumed with cooked meat. Sure, if we killed off half of humanity it might reduce warming significantly, is that worth it? We could all live like hunter gatherers, but is it worth it?

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