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Comment Re:Animal House (Score 4, Insightful) 765

There is no right to create a hostile working environment for women.

You are right. There's no reason to make boob-grabbing a sport at work, or install under-table cameras and post the up-skirt shots in the Intranet. There's no reason to announce publicly the menstruation periods of every girl in the office, or enforce a dresscode that ignores female anatomy. Definitely sex should not be a condition for promotion, and meetings should not start with blowjob requests, made in order of beauty to the attending women. Likewise, putting a single toilet for women into the basement while having men toilets everywhere.

Oh wait, you were talking about a software joke project on some random Internet site that nobody is forced to visit or even know about? Yeah, that definitely is the dictionary case for "hostile working environment".

the entire back office being papered over with pinups

That's absolutely the same as a random Internet site that nobody... why am I wasting my time here, a monkey would see the difference.

Comment cry baby (Score 1) 765

Let's live in a perfectly politically correct world where our jokes, every sentence we speak and every message we write is controlled by the thought police.

And I say that as someone who was bullied at school. But here's the point: There's harassment, which has a victim and there's jokes about a class the size of half the worlds population and either you are incredibly insecure or unbelievably egomaniac to consider yourself the individual target.

Every real woman I've met in my life laughs about jokes that ridicule women in general the same way that I laugh about jokes where guys in general are the target. These jokes are funny exactly because they contain a piece of truth.

Everything, taken to extremes, is evil. That includes feminism, no-harassment policies and political correctness. No, wait. That last one is evil from the start.

Comment Re:Fuck those guys (Score 5, Insightful) 569

What I do wonder is why so many SWAT raids end in violence in the US when so many other countries just dont have that sort of problem. My guess is poor training.

Other countries don't have that problem because we don't send a swat team to investigate a routine 911 call, we send a patrol car and knock on the fucking door. Sure we have swat teams, we send them in to end confirmed sieges because that is what a swat team is trained for. Also the knowledge that everyone and his dog is armed to the teeth in the US encourages the cops shoot first and make up excuses later. If you ask me the cop who shot the kid in Ferguson was a coward, he panicked because he was alone and and could not control a black kid who was bigger than him. The last people you want waving a gun around like John Wayne, are fucking cowards.

Comment Re:Capricorn One 2: Electric Boogaloo (Score 1) 89

You could probably do it - with enough computer graphics and skill. But that would cost a buttload of money (which they don't have) and require the expertise of hundreds of people (like a modern movie). Wouldn't be a secret for very long.

Besides, after a month or so, one of the stars would be photographed at a Burger King in Honolulu and that would be the end of that....

Comment Re:And the almond trees die. (Score 1) 417

The next thing you know, we get a law banning incandescents in refrigerators passed alongside more subsidies for corn-based ethanol fuel.

Off course, but that doesn't mean a regulation telling fridge manufacturers and importers to stop using incandescents is a bad idea. The US is the largest market in the world, California is the 5th largest all by itself. Efficiency regulations for manufactured goods in the US, and in particular California, can and do have a significant impact on the world market.

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