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Comment Re:In short? (Score 1) 318

That was a very well thought out, informative and insightful post. Indeed there are benefits and drawbacks to each approach, and clearly a mixture of the two is better than either separately, at least for you and people such as yourself (a category in which I include myself.) I think any anecdotal argument will favor the presenter in this case, as there as are many people who function well independently, and many otehrs who benefit from structure and don't function well without it being imposed from external sources. Or in terms of a car analogy: YMMV ! :-)

Comment Re:Heavens Forbid (Score -1, Troll) 256

"Heavens forbid that the best candidates are picked! Oh the horror!"

Evidently you aren't particularly bright. Only 1 women was hired for 1,231 men. That is indisputable Prima Facia evidence that picking the best candidate is exactly what couldn't possibly have happened, your absurd implication that all women are incompetent not withstanding..

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 256

"is something else picking them off earlier in the production chain such that Facebook's hiring is simply an accurate representation of the candidates it has to work with?'"

You are kidding right? Do you really question if it might be true that only 1 in 1,231 candidates would be qualified women? Seriously?

Comment Re: Hate to be that guy, but Linux (Score 1) 517

" If I attempt to migrate to 'window manager x', not only do I need to spend my own time doing it but I will be almost assured of running into issues here and there that may not be insurmountable but will take even more of my valuable time.

I'm confused. What makes your system so special? I mean every application I know runs fine with KDE, Gnome, LXDE, fvwm2, Fluxbox, Blackbox, etc. What makes yours so WM-Centric?

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