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Comment Re:Eisenhower tried to warn us. (Score 2) 364

Drawing comparisons to WWII is ironic, because the F-35 program is exactly the kind of program that the US did not invest in during the war. A program that consumed lots of resources on the promise of radical advances without delivering anything actually useful onto the battlefield now.

Germany in contrast, spent lots of time on such projects even into the final desperate days.

Comment Re:Stop throwing good money after bad. (Score 0) 364

Yes, let's kept paying the crony capitalists lest we be left defenseless. So many people have been nonchalant about the economic damage this system has caused to our country, so I can only hope the security damage is more successful in grabbing their attention.

Even if this project met its goals, it would still be extremely underwhelming... especially on cost-benefit analysis. Starting over is the right choice.

Comment Re:It's here already? (Score 1) 162

Realistically you are already subject to an endless litany of laws as a citizen of the United States circa 2014. So many rules, in fact, that you don't even know what most of them are. Society is necessarily built on "re-education" from our theoretical natural state, because these rules are not all inherent to our behavior.

The idea in the story was that an efficient enforcement mechanism can minimize the number of necessary rules and maximize their fairness. While you may prefer our current system to the one in the story, it's not hard to imagine that the current system of rules is non-optimal.

The inability to act out many "bad" behavior in the Australia Project was negated by the disconnect between brain and body in the plugged-in citizens. You were free to do what you wanted in your own personal Matrix where there were no ill effects to either you or others.

Americans are individuality obsessed, perhaps moreso than any other human culture throughout history. The story is written specifically to force us to think about this subject.

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
