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Comment Re:So in 2007 Obama... (Score 1) 312

Or they were blinded by the fact that McCain/Palin would have been a complete fucking train wreck for this country after 8 years of Bush/Cheney.

Obama did drop the ball on many very important issues, which he specifically campaigned on. And for that, I can't really say that I am a happy customer with my votes. But when I think about how things would have gone with President McCain, holy fucking shit we dodged a bullet.

Comment Re:Must question the "revised" estimates (Score 5, Informative) 152

Wow. I really wish people would stop conflating "counts per minute" measurements of radiation exposure, with alpha and beta nucleide contamination. There's a lot of Cs137 and Sr90 contamination in the soil all over the place near Pripyat (and Fukushima), and just because you can walk through the area and get a few sieverts of decays on your skin, and no net harm, doesn't mean anyone can safely live there. Those contaminants get into dust, and you inhale it, or ingest it in your food, and they remain active inside your body for decades. It's not the same as either an x-ray, or eating a banana.

Comment one size does not fit all (Score 1) 257

Not all depressions are alike, and not all sufferers are alike.

Some depressions are biological, some are caused by situation; (before diagnosing yourself as depressed, first determine whether or not you are in fact, surrounded by assholes - to paraphrase Twain, I think). Seeing a doctor can help, but sometimes, seeing the wrong kind of doctor can screw you up worse. Some doctors just want to push pills at you. And sometimes, it's the wrong kinds of pills, or sometimes, the problem isn't one that pills can fix. (like - being surrounded by assholes). (or. . . seasonal).

I'd say that if you see someone for help, and you're not getting any better with treatment after 6 weeks, definitely see someone else. I've seen CBT work fairly well for some people. And fail spectacularly for others. (and there are many incompetent therapists, as well).

Comment Re:Politcs vs. Science (Score 4, Insightful) 291

I think that Russia sure as hell DID care.

Russia's ally, Syria, is currently in the midst of a civil war, partly due to the power-vacuum created when the US invaded Iraq. (Syrian salafists, who were previously a pain in the ass to Assad, but "kept down" - went into Iraq to fight the US. Those experienced veterans came back after the "awakening", and are now back in Syria, fighting to overthrow Assad. If Syria falls to jihadists/salafists, it is conceivable that access to the black sea is cut off.

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