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Comment Re:Serious? (Score 5, Interesting) 71

no, by google, the code OWNER, for much of the code base.

old 2.x android which still works for audio phone and email and simple web (which is 99% of what many users want, actually). but has no security patches from google since the last OTA update was at least 3 yrs ago, maybe more.

google abandons things. it may not be pleasant for fanboys to admit, but its a fact and its part of why I have so much anger toward google. they are not serious. not by my definition. 5 yr old hardware that needs security SHOULD get security updates. even 10 yrs. again, this is the money and power and brain-rich google we're talking about. they do NOT get a pass on being bad about backporting security. a 10 or 100 man company, sure. but google gets no free pass on abandoning their own phones (my case, the N1). total complete abandonment. even the gmail app BY google refuses to work properly on the N1, now. it does not auto poll and show newmail indications. you have to manually poll. a google app on a google phone that is broken. this is why I hate them.

Comment Re:Serious? (Score 2) 71

the once flagship N1 that I own (and still use since it still mostly works) has been abandoned long ago and I hate google for it.

this is yet another reason not to trust them. I don't care about new features, but porting security fixes should be a must-do for them, given how HUGE that company is. they have endless pockets and can easily afford to keep just a few guys (at least) busy keeping the old google flagship models updated.

they don't. and they suck for it.

Comment Re:R's support lower H1B caps? (Score 1) 341

bullshit. we have more than enough people already in this country and we cannot give jobs to all of them. you want MORE immigrants?

this is not the turn of the century. we already have too many huddled masses yearning to read the next page of their tech support script.

enough is enough! if locals (skilled and hungry) cannot get jobs, then we have enough imports.

I went without work for a few years! I tried and tried and tried. every place I interviewed at, I was the only westerner. I know what was going on and the interviews were confrontational without being directly rude. the drift was: we had to fight hard to get to your country; why should you, a local, get such an easy time getting a job.

seriously, that was the drift from every single god-damned bay area company I interviewed at for the last few years. they went out of their way to not hire americans and it showed in every thing they did.

the resentment of the immigrants towards me, born and raised here in the US, was sickening. they acted like I was out of line even asking to work there. the looks I got, wow, insulting.

the culture of the bay area is broken. we have to admit there is a problem before we fix it. but its broken by design; the ceo's all want to lower wages and they found a way and they are NOT giving it up without a fight.

we are not humans, we are 'resources' to them. that's also part of the problem. no respect for humanity and the fact that part of the social contract in the US is to give every person who can work, a living wage, as long as he does work. that chance was removed about 15 years ago and its been a down-turn ever since.

walk into a bay area company and you will see only indians and asians. in an US company! is that right? of course not. it shows, very clearly, what is going on.

Comment Re:Reinstate the Prohibition (Score 5, Insightful) 454

the articles on pot will be biased beyond all belief. the US won't admit that they were wrong, all along. never admit you were wrong: that's the government's motto. plus, there is too much money involved in arresting people, jailing them (for-profit jails!) and stealing their assets in immoral property grabs.

there will be more car crashes due to mothers yelling at their kids in the back seat, cell phone use and inattentive drivers (not stoned) than pot users, but I do expect lots of SPIN trying to convince us of how evil the devil weed is.

just don't believe it. its all lies.

Comment Re:What choice do we have? (Score 1) 710

you know it!

one lawsuit (which is public record) and you're now PERMANENTLY unemployable, even at places like los pollos hermanos.

if you sue, you better be sure you will win and land enough to retire from.

they have us. they made the rules, they stacked the deck and we have no power.

THIS IS WHY WE NEED UNIONS BACK. software is a sweatshop and its not going to improve unless we fight back.

immigrants have no idea what a union is and they are too happy to have a job, so they are the last people to rock the boat. this is yet another reason why employers want only immigrants. they will take any abuse and never sue and never fight back. ideal pawns.

Comment Re:Imminent Threat (Score 1) 249

lock your phones?

cops have phone de-anti-un-lockers (uhm, what? nevermind, I'm on a roll!).

you can't even prove they used them to unlock your phone.

cops can get away with murder. you think they'll 'follow the law' when its inconvenient to them?

at least this is a partial step in the right direction; this ruling. but cops don't care about laws. not really. and there's not a GOD DAMNED thing you, as a citizen, can do about it.

make cops personally liable (remove the shield of protection they have) and then we can start to have fairness and justice again.

Comment Re:unions are needed before the bathroom break tim (Score 1) 195

thank you. thank you for calling out that idiot.

I GOT MINE, FARK YOU. that's his attitude.

and you know what? I bet that he's a young-un. full of self pride and a know-it-all. he has a good job, he's groomed and he thinks highly of himself. he thinks his job is secure.

I know this very well. I was like that when I was a 20something and even 30something.

I'm now a 50something and I know better. I KNOW we need help negotiating fair wages and benefits. in fact, I'm now forced to be a contractor for the first 6mos (of almost every job I end up taking) and that means the company gets to avoid paying what they used to - healthcare, vacation, sick time. I am now forced to foot the bill for those during the first 6mos. then, MAYBE, I get converted to fulltime. maybe.

the only good thing about that guy is: he'll soon learn. when he's a greyhair he'll find out he's a 2nd or 3rd class citizen and he'll be forced to be a contractor like I am, forced to come in sick since he can't afford to lose an 8 hour pay day. he'll sing a different tune.

but right now, he's arrogant as fucking hell. and too young to know how stupid he really is.

he'll get his. maybe 10 or 20 yrs but he'll get his. I know this for a fact.

Comment Re:What choice do we have? (Score 1) 710

when I walk down the hallways of typical silicon valley software companies, I can walk for the length of a long hallway and not see a single american face there. when I walk thru the hallways, I often don't even hear english spoken at work anymore!

americans are squeezed out. if you want to have a chance at getting a job, you have to slave yourself to the bossman. else, well, I won't even have a hallway to walk thru.

its NOT my choice to work long and hard. its forced on us and we have no say in the matter.

this won't end well. I expect that in a few more years, you won't find a single US born person working at the tech companies.

I'm not even sure where the americans went to. what jobs did they end up with? certainly not at the bay area software or hardware places.

greedy ceo's deserve all the blame. when the revolution comes, I hope I have a ticket to their hangings. they are truly destroying our country and they could not care less! they are insulated and not affected by this.

and if the ceo's are not put up against the wall, I do expect to see people going postal ('going software' might be the new phrase) when they are completely squeezed out and they feel they have nothing left to lose but go on a killing spree.

I feel sorry for our society. its melting down before our very eyes and no one is doing a thing about it.

Comment Re:unions are needed before the bathroom break tim (Score 5, Insightful) 195

shorten that to:

unions are needed.


sweatshops (for computer guys) are on the return. if you and I are not careful, we will be so close to the old ways, we will have to fight that old war back again. we already lost our weekends and we lost time and a half for overtime (my grandfather used to get 1.5x, 2x and 3x time for time past normal work hours). we don't get that - we're now the evil thing called 'exempt' and we get cheated out of our own time and extra pay.

add to insult the fact that all corp firewalls have a MitM proxy in them, corp windows boxes are handed out preloaded with certs installed (for the mitm firewall entry) and at some places (like where I work) its been known that spyware and remote mic/camera stuff can be activated and logged/reviewed by your boss. how do I know: because in .de they have to disclose this and my work has offices in .de ; in the US they don't disclose what they do when spying but over in .de they do).

if we dont fight back, things will continue to get worse.

oh right, we don't have unions so we are all afraid of speaking out, for sake of our jobs.

well, so we have 2 problems to solve, then.

Comment its a lie (Score 4, Interesting) 195

"Through these new means, companies have found, for example, that workers are more productive if they have more social interaction."

lie, lie, lie. this is referring to the so-called open-office scheme, where they remove your privacy and sound barriers, sometimes even remove your personal desk and you are now 'fully interchangable cogs' to the company.

this has been proven to be wrong, but it keeps getting trotted out, as if repeating it over and over again will make us believe it.

CEO and bean-counter bullshit. see it for what it is.

Comment Re:Speaking as a guy in his 40s... (Score 1) 370

all you said is true.

it about wages, its about control, its about abuse, its about telling the kids to work longer and knowing they won't refuse.

its never been about quality. the industry wants speed now, they don't care about quality.

you can tell who is being honest and who is not. its like the openoffice concept; ceo's and hr's are saying that its 'to attract younger players' but in fact, its about cramming more people into the same space (saving money) and being able to 'watch' and micromanage them. its nothing about making the environment better; in fact, its noisier and people get less done and come home with more cold/flu due to not having dividers or cubes.

if a ceo or hr person is talking about open offices and they say its because it will make things better, they are LYING. well, half lying; it makes things better only for them.

Comment Re:Families come first (Score -1, Troll) 370

your piss is clean?

somehow, that seems useful to you.

to me, its a damned strange thing to brag about. but whatever, uhm, floats your boat...

showing up incapable of doing work is one thing. but are you suggesting that your 'clean piss' (is it frosty, btw?) makes you a better person?

I hate people like you. you think a 'war on drugs' makes sense. you obviously don't think for yourself; how on earth can you be a good engineer when you simply follow a party line and 'do what you're told' without question?

independant thinkers are much better designers and coders. and I hate to break it to you, but all the good designers I've met in the bay area would not have 'clean piss' to use your little phrase. and they are world-class engineers, scientists, mathematicians and highly technical people in their field.

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