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Comment Re:Don't totally agree (Score 2) 224

Its dumbasses like you that think "As long as you are voting for the lesser of two evils you are making a difference"

There is such a thing as a protest vote, "dumbass".

Showing up to vote is critically important. At the very least it ensures the authorities will have to do the dirty, dirty work of physically turning people away if they have been purged from the rolls.

Comment Re:Unfortunate, but not surprising (Score 1, Insightful) 450

As a (primarily desktop) Linux user since 1998, the unfolding of this debacle is starting to look like an example of why Linux distros in general lack appeal in the desktop space. Desktop/laptop users can't 'make do' with server architecture; there isn't enough veritcal integration of the powerful features we need. When layers represented by systemd and wayland must be considered swappable, the more talented users turn off to the possiblity of building stable user-facing applications on that platform.

One bit of advice is, don't be such primadonnas. Like the laptop users, you'll have to explain to the world which workflows and features are getting broken by these recent changes. OTOH, if all that's getting 'broken' is your philosophy then you might want to take a step back and consider that a better (if larger) one may have replaced it.

Comment Re:Would love to see how I2P-Bote fares. (Score 3, Informative) 96

Thus, any packet sniffer out there (be it by a credit card thief, the NSA - who may also be credit card thieves, or anyone else) can't look for context to decide what packets to grab. There is no context.

Actually, there is the very important context of who is transmitting to whom, and when, which IPSec is giving away. Each user, therefore, might as well be the subject of a pen register.

With I2P, all they see is a stream of encrypted packets to random points and even the 'when' is obscurred (I2P users onion-route traffic for other users by default and expectation, so you can think of this protocol as marrying ideas from IPSec, Tor and Bittorrent).

That means having to decrypt absolutely everything, including DNS lookups...

Speaking of DNS lookups: Why make your addressing dependant on centralized, establishment-controlled scheme? If PKI can be subverted to let them eavesdrop, then IP addresses and DNS certainly can be as well. Addresses that operate like public keys are much better.

Its already there on your TAILS disc... try it out. ;)

Comment Re:Would love to see how I2P-Bote fares. (Score 2) 96

Its also worth noting that the I2P layer under I2P-Bote is general purpose: You can browse and even torrent with it, anonymously and securely.

Why make the focus so piecemeal??? We have experts going around saying the answer to mass surveillance is to make application-level crypo ubiquitous. I'm sorry, but that sounds like an unnecessary hassle that begs people to "just turn the crypto thingie off". Its better to have one tool that can provide security and anonymity for a large array of applications.

I respect the EFF's work, but I think their technical vision is very tiny and may meet up with the blind alley it deserves.

Comment Would love to see how I2P-Bote fares. (Score 1) 96

"I2P-Bote is an I2P plugin, fully decentralized and distributed email system.[18] It supports different identities and does not expose email headers. Currently (2014), it is still in beta version and can only be accessed via its web application interface, but POP [also IMAP] support is planned. All bote-mails are transparently end-to-end encrypted and, optionally, signed by the sender's private key, thus removing the need for PGP or other privacy software. I2P-Bote offers additional anonymity by allowing for the use of mail relays with variable length delays. As it is decentralized, there is no email server that could link different email identities as communicating with each other..."

Comment Re:Engine vibration? (Score 1) 150

Let's see what a few seconds on Google can find us:

"The vibrations and oscillations in the version they used for the first three test flights would have torn the ship apart well if it had been fired for anywhere near full duration of about a minute."

It refers to a Times article which is behind their paywall, so I can't read it.

"There have also been accidents where nitrous oxide decomposition in plumbing has led to the explosion of large tanks."

Weren't the engineers killed in the accident while developing the Spaceship Two engine killed by an exploding NOX tank? I couldn't find the details.

Yes, and VG ignored warnings from an outside propulsion expert:

Comment Try reading the stories: (Score 1) 2

From TFA,

Carolynne Campbell, a rocket propulsion expert with the Netherlands-based International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, said she could not speculate on the cause of Friday’s crash without “all the data.”

From the /. story (of later origin) that did get posted,

“I’m not stating that this is the cause of the mishap,” he added. “We have months and months of investigation to determine what the cause was.”

In addition, it also put the VG safety culture in a questionable light.

TFA isn't an "I told you so". Its a "they're secretive about their methods" criticism. Stories like this emerge when agencies or companies encounter disasters because people will naturally question more than just the technical failures.

Submission + - Safety expert: Virgin Galactic 'ignored' repeated warnings ( 2

Burz writes: AFP reports that a propulsion safety expert warned Virgin Galactic about their choice their choice of propellant for the ill-fated SpaceshipTwo. “Based on the work we’ve done, including me writing a paper on the handling of nitrous oxide, we were concerned about what was going on at Virgin Galactic,” she told AFP. “I sent copies of the paper to various people at Virgin Galactic in 2009, and they were ignored.”

Whether or not the crash was caused by the populsion system, this does make the company's attitude toward safety look questionable. Condsidering SpaceshipTwo was a civil passenger vehicle, were Virgin Galatic's engineers pushing the envelope too fast?

Comment GOP: 'Your Neighbors Know If You Don’t Vote (Score 1) 468

The ad is a variation of a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) strategy called “vote shaming.” The tactic is employed by liberals and conservatives to use social psychology to increase the chances that people vote. In every state but Virginia, whether or not you participated in an election is public. “[I]f you publicize something, it has a very powerful effect on behavior,” Chris Larimer, an Iowa political scientist, told USA Today in 2012.

The Facebook ads at issue go beyond traditional “vote shaming” by strongly implying that their ballot will not be secret. Two Facebook users who posted screenshots of the ad on social media confirmed to ThinkProgress that they had seen the ads on their Facebook newsfeed.

Comment Re:HTTPS Everywhere (Score 1) 206

Any idea why they do this? Of all the sites to not to https...

CPU load. SSL/TLS greatly increases CPU demands on the server(s). For a high-traffic site that costs real money.

This is 2014 not 2004; Most servers have CPU's with built-in AES acceleration. Unless the site gets lots of very short-term use from many different users, the impact of server load should be negligible because most of the crypto will be AES and not the initial public key stuff.

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