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Comment Re:LibreSSL (MOO!) (Score 1) 157

A strong, unique password (aka a secret) is the only thing that matters.

Certificates are nothing but long passwords that people can't remember and thus need to store in plaintext.

Encrypted certificates are nothing but long passwords that people can't remember and store in an encrypted form, thus requiring a separate password.

Encryption of a connection is done using a password. Whether you call it a password, a pre-shared key, or a certificate, it's all the same. It's a secret known only to the legitimate user.

The password is the be all, end all of networked computer security. There's a reason every single attempt to replace passwords has failed - either they reduce security or they're simply dressing up a password as something else - a smart card, an RSA clock, etc.

The problem is you don't realize what a password actually is in relation to security. It's simply the secret.
Retards who don't know what they're talking about like to prattle on about "something you are", "something you know", and "something you have".

"Something you are" is your username.
"Something you know" is your password.
"Something you have" is your cell phone or your little hardware token (nothing but an RSA clock with a seed stored on the device and on the server).

If your "something you are" is a secret username, or a hash of a fingerprint, then it merely becomes "something you know", and is effectively part of your password. If you authenticate remotely using a fingerprint scanner, the server you're authenticating into has NO IDEA whether or not the bits are coming from the fingerprint scanner or not, whether it has been tampered with or not, etc. It's all "something you know".

Similarly for "something you have", a text message code or an RSA clock or whatever else are all "something you know" when you're presenting them over the wire. Unless someone is PHYICALLY INSPECTING your shit, it's ALL "something you know", and thus all effectively pointless if you already have a strong, unique password.

People think that codes sent via text message or the seeds in their RSA clock keep them safe. They don't. If your host or connection is compromised to the point that you're leaking your password (such as a keylogger or a MITM attack), these codes are available to any attacker working in real time because you invariably send them over the same fucking channel. It's a joke!

The ONLY thing you can do to protect yourself with networked authentication is to know a secret and keep it secret. It should be astronomically expensive to crack. Use that secret to authenticate, encrypt, whatever. But adding more secrets on top of it doesn't do SHIT.

That secret is called a password. What you call it is irrelevant.

Comment SJW Bullshit Like This Is For Cows (Score -1, Troll) 90

You are all cows, moo, moo, etc.
Are we going to get an article about how misogynistic this is when someone makes a video women can't see?
Or are we going to get an article about how progressive this is when someone makes a video that men can't see, thus creating a "safe space" for women?
Will Facebook let people further restrict by race using your 23andMe profile? Will Facebook require users to submit a DNA sample?

How about you dumb shits delete your fucking Facebook accounts?

Comment Re:LibreSSL (Score 1) 157

THis flaw isn't even a mild flaw considering nobody worth a squirt of piss would ever rely on passwords to secure any SSH - be that from microsoft, libre or open.

The majority of servers running SSH rely solely on username and password authentication.
A strong, unique password known only to a single user is the most secure protection available.
Certificates don't add shit on top of that in terms of actual security.

Comment Re:Question about the name (Score 1) 70

Is the name of the their group based of the JFK conspiracy? It is quite moronic. If their are 3 of them, they aren't exactly lone.
Definition: lone

having no companions; solitary or single.

That's the joke, stupid.
The name is a reference to the fact that there was more than one gunman in the JFK assassination. (Yes, I said fact. Anyone who believes that LHO acted alone is mentally retarded.)

For further information on the use of "lone" with pluralized nouns, see the 1994 documentary film "Airheads".

Comment Holy Hell (Score 1) 31

Those are some long, shitty, fucked up sentences, Batman. And why would you start out the summary with the pronoun ("a research project") instead of the proper noun and definition ("OCEARCH, a non-profit shark tracking project")? And then there are the fucking errors ("a online and mobile apps"), which can't be blamed on having shitty style.

Lrn 2 Engrish plox?

Submission + - The Lone Gunmen are not dead (comicbook.com)

He Who Has No Name writes: It may have been one of Slashdot's most memorable front-page gaffes, but apparently there's no harm and no foul — because the Lone Gunmen are set to ride again in the X-Files return. Comicbook.com reports, "The Lone Gunmen, the X-Files' trio of conspiracy theorists, are set to appear in Fox’s six-episode event. The three characters were played by Tom Braidwood, Dean Haglund, and Bruce Harwood. Haglund, who played the gunman “Ringo,” confirmed his and his compatriots’ return on Twitter today." We'll see how see how series creator Chris Carter handles their apparently greatly-exaggerated demise, and whether the explanation used in the print comics comes into play.

Comment Re:the important detail (Score 0) 634

etc. you would be OK for those candidates to be rejected?

The real question is why ANYONE would want to work with people who did not like them. Who cares about acceptance when the work environment will be horrible?

This issue transcends the flamebait you are trying to push out.

Everyone WILL face rejection by people who do not like them. You can either accept that and move on or live a life of despair, that choice is on no-one but you.

People work with people they hate, doing jobs they hate, wasting away their life, etc. because they need money and there's no other way for 99.9% of people to make a living in Obama's America. Slave away, slaves.

Comment So What (Score 5, Insightful) 312

1: Stop caring what other people do.
2: Don't have a 23andMe profile (accessible to random websites on the internet, or at all) if you really care and think this will actually affect you.

Perhaps some users will implement it in a harmless and beneficial way, such as creating a safe space for women. But it’s just as likely that, in a few years, Googling for a snippet of this code yields search results that are the equivalent of a who’s who of racist and misogynist sites.

3: Take your sexist, racist agenda and go the fuck away.

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