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Comment Re:I don't get it... (Score 1) 284

Not really get a warrant and for you to decrypt in all cases. Right now they can only do that provided that you would not be further incriminating your self. The case in question is the In re Boucher case. Here border guards had already seen the portions of the drive's contents . Then there is the later US v. Kischner case that ruled it was a violation of a person's 5th Amendment right to force them to divulge their encryption password to produce evidence that could be used against them in that case. To further muddy the waters there is also the mess that is the US v. Fricosu case where a judge order the defendant to produce the password but a list of probable password was produced by her ex husband so the constitutionality of the order from the judge still remains in question since that issue was bypassed.

So what we can glean from these 3 cases is:
1. Don't cross a border with your encrypted device on so encrypted material can be seen.
2. Don't piss off your ex
3. Don't be a pedo (why do all cases involving encryption seem to be pedo ones, yes I understand they are easy targets everyone hates) 4. This issue isn't decided and it seems the government doesn't want it resolved.

Comment Re:What a terrible, terrible idea. (Score 1) 366

Gattaca was a cautionary tale, not a blueprint for future eugenics.

This makes me wonder how "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was originally received. But after a quick check it looks like it got a better reception than GATTACA but I wonder about the initial sales.

[gets out tinfoil]
Maybe big brother just got better at conditioning people. Bread and circuses.
[tinfoil off]

Comment Re:and eventually your DNA will be your resume'.. (Score 1) 366

The best and probably most relevant quote would be this:

Believe me we have enough imperfection built in already. Your child doesn't need any additional burdens. Keep in mind this child is still you, only the best of you. You could conceive a thousand times and never get such a result.

Too bad the film was a box office flop since it was sci-fi film without explosions, lens flares, buxom scantily clad green women, and/or laser swords. Also at this point there are probably a lot of people who haven't seen the movie since it is 17 years old (and now I feel old) and it hasn't been that popular. Good story, wonderfully shot, well acted, and explores topics that are becoming prescient, just not what people think of when they hear it is a sci-fi movie. Just tell someone it is a drama and it is usually much more readily received.

Comment Re:Two global problems solved in my lifetime! (Score 1) 571

With this technology I would think it would substantially push prices down. There would still be costs associated with distribution and new capital outlays for plants and maintenance but generation costs would fall to almost nothing. The savings on bills would be substantial, another poster mentioned a number around 40%. If one were to instead use one of these in a factory to provide power for what ever is being done it would eliminate the distribution costs. I would think that places like aluminum smelters would love this.

Given the dimensions of the reactor it also seems like it would be able to be put into large mining equipment. Basically these could probably be used any place where large 2 stroke diesel engines are currently in operation. Given the power output quoted these would produce significantly more than the current engines which are mostly in the 3-10MW range so who knows what they would do with the extra power.

Comment Re:credibility of article is doubtful (Score 1) 571

It really is a weapon of last resort when you are on the retreat as you are basically fucked (individually) if you use it, especially if you are down wind. A similar but tiny warhead was also used in the US US W48 nuclear artillery shell. These very small nukes are all very dirty and very inefficient. The Atomic Testing Museum just off the strip in Las Vegas had on display the Mk-54 (I assume just the casing) and a W48 with the W48 disassembled so you could see inside of it. The Atomic Testing Museum is a really neat place to go if you get the chance, especially since it is quiet compared to all the other tourist things in Vegas.

Comment Re:Fusion in some forms can be very dangerous. (Score 1) 571

I might worry about this shortly before I start to worry about the heat death of the universe. If we look at one of the largest lakes on earth which contains about 3,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water and extracted water out of it for the purposes of using the hydrogen in it for fusion reactors at the average rate we have been extracting oil out of the ground for the last 100 years it would take about 5000 years to drain the thing assuming no new water entered it. Now add in that this is one lake representing about 10% of the available fresh water and that most of the water on earth by a very substantial margin is sea water and we should be good for at least the next half a million years or so. This also assumes that we would extract the water at the rate we do for oil even though fusion would be providing orders of magnitude more power for the same volume of fuel. So that pushes it off for at least a few 10s of millions of years. If in that time we haven't managed to get off this rock, I say fuck it we all deserve to die.

Comment Re:Two global problems solved in my lifetime! (Score 1) 571

With excess energy lots of things become worthwhile to make. We already know how to convert CO2 into hydrocarbons it is just really energy intensive. With excess energy this becomes a non issue if the excess energy is cheap enough. Also given the dimensions of the reactor it could probably be used on jets thus eliminating their fossil fuel use.

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