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Comment Re:And still (Score 1) 196

If Pluto is a planet, then so is Eris (which is larger), and Earth's moon (around 5 times larger than Pluto) is possibly a binary planet. Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, is under 3% the mass of Earth and is about ten times bigger than Pluto. There are quite a lot of moons bigger than Pluto, so would you want to classify them all as planets?

Comment Re: I ride a recumbent trike (Score 1) 304

62F is apparently around 16C, which is the sort of temperature where you're going to be warm enough to not need a coat while cycling. I've not had problems cycling at any temperature above freezing (and then it's the ice on the road that's the problem, not the temperature). Do you cycle naked or something?

Comment Re: Who did the study? (Score 1) 341

Facts mattered? Must've been a long time ago.

Money matters. And I don't even want to solve whether the money from those industries that don't want to face expenses to deal with stricter environment laws matters more than that from industries that want to sell the stuff that makes the former compliant with stricter environment laws.

In the old days there may have been some scientific process to determine who's right. You know, with thesis, antithesis and discussion. Today it's way easier: Whoever contributes the most campaign money is right.

Comment Re:Yet another reason to abandon physical media. (Score 2) 107

> If you watch your movies via streaming, this is not an issue. 2015 people, 2015.

Yes. In 2015 there's still plenty of stuff that's not available via streaming or is only available at a price that most people aren't interested in paying.

Some us actually use this stuff and don't merely talk about it.

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