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Submission + - Buying and Selling "Used" mp3s?

j.sanchez1 writes: Web Pro News has a quick blurb about a website buying and selling "used" mp3s. I checked the domain registration and it is all private. Is this really something that someone is going to try and pull off, or is it a honeypot set up by the RIAA? How would they be sure you did or didn't keep a copy for yourself after selling to them?

Acorns Disappear Across the Country 474

Hugh Pickens writes "Botanist Rod Simmons thought he was going crazy when couldn't find any acorns near his home in Arlington County, Virginia. 'I'm used to seeing so many acorns around and out in the field, it's something I just didn't believe,' said Simmons. Then calls started coming in about crazy squirrels. Starving, skinny squirrels eating garbage, inhaling bird feed, greedily demolishing pumpkins. Squirrels boldly scampering into the road. And a lot more calls about squirrel roadkill. Simmons and Naturalist Greg Zell began to do some research and found Internet discussion groups, including one on Topix called 'No acorns this year,' reporting the same thing from as far away as the Midwest up through New England and Nova Scotia. 'We live in Glenwood Landing, N.Y., and don't have any acorns this year. Really weird,' wrote one. 'None in Kansas either! Curiouser and curiouser.' The absence of acorns could have something to do with the weather and Simmons has a theory about the wet and dry cycles. But many skeptics say oaks in other regions are producing plenty of acorns, and the acorn bust is nothing more than the extreme of a natural boom-and-bust cycle. But the bottom line is that no one really knows. 'It's sort of a mystery,' Zell said."

Verizon Tech Accused Of Making $220K In Sex Calls On User Lines Screenshot-sm 218

Joseph Vaccarelli, a former Verizon Technician, has been charged with racking up $220,000 in phone-sex calls by tapping into the land lines of nearly 950 customers. Authorities say that he made approximately 5,000 calls, resulting in 45,000 minutes of call time. Verizon estimated that out of a 40-week period, Vaccarelli spent 15 weeks talking on sex lines. How in the world do you have this much phone sex, period, but especially at work, and not have anyone notice?

Submission + - What are your experiences of Google Android?

dredwerker writes: I have watched a few videos on youtube such as this at Google I/O — The Android demo/presentation by Steve Horowitz

I have booted it up on my HTC Kaiser using the haret emulator thanks to the guys at Xda developers but it's really a preview of the menuing system — I haven't managed to make any calls or get any data as yet.

I was thinking of getting a Nokia N810 and running it on that but I can't seem to get to the bottom of what you get, if you run it on the N810.

So does anyone out there have the actual hardware? Are you running it day to day on an N810 etc.. or is it just a toy still?

For reference here is the wikipedia entry and the google android Website

Submission + - Free Open Source Software Is Costing Vendors $60b (

conan1989 writes: Study Finds ""Free Open Source Software Is Costing Vendors $60 Billion

Open Source software is raising havoc throughout the software market. It is the ultimate in disruptive technology, and while to it is only 6% of estimated trillion dollars IT budgeted annually, it represents a real loss of $60 billion in annual revenues to software companies," said Jim Johnson, Chairman, The Standish Group International, Boston, MA

If the $60 billion is true (and I would assume based on Standish's five years of research it is) then we have been dramatically underestimating the impact open source is having on the traditional vendors. We've known there is a effect, and now we finally have some numbers (and $60 billion is a whopper.)


Submission + - Stanford Net Neutrality Hearing Blown Off by ISPs (

eldavojohn writes: "The FCC & Stanford hoped to host an on campus debate over net neutrality and invited AT&T and Comcast to take part. Neither were to be found. Unfortunately there was really only one side of the issue voiced despite Stanford being home to people opposing net neutrality. At it, FCC's Commissioner state: "Consumers have come to expect and will continue to demand the open and neutral character that has always been the hallmark of the Internet. The Commission is currently examining several petitions and complaints according to which broadband providers have intentionally and secretly degraded applications in a way that undermines the open and interconnected character of the Internet." Perhaps directly addressing Comcast's recent actions?"

Submission + - Obama website hacked to redirect to Clinton (

An anonymous reader writes: Netcraft confirms "A security weakness in Barack Obama's website has been exploited to redirect visitors to Hillary Clinton's website. Visitors who viewed the Community Blogs section of the site were instead presented with Clinton's website as a result of a cross-site scripting vulnerability." A video on Youtube shows how Obama's visitors were poached.
Internet Explorer

Submission + - Time Warner now hijacking 404 results 3

Grendel_Prime writes: Road Runner subscribers rejoice! No longer will you have to wonder why you're getting a 404 error — Time Warner decided recently (in the last few weeks or so as far as I can tell) to redirect page 404 errors to their own search page to tell you they could not find the website you were "searching" for. Note that this "search result" page only comes up if you type the URL directly into the address bar and come up zero. This "search page" is powered by Yahoo! search. Here's what their page looks like:

Apparently this is a legit service they provide but never advertise. It's still hijacking, just done on their end. How does the /. community feel about this practice? Is this common practice with all ISP's now? If not, is it the wave of the future?

Submission + - FreeRunner price set. Will the OpenMoko rise? 1

rimugu writes: According to the Open Moko community updates the price for the FreeRunner has been set. It will be $399USD for one or $369USD each in a pack of 10.

More info:
  • The orange color is not going to be available.
  • Not base and advanced version, just one FreeRunner to rule them all.
  • The debug board is going to be sold separatedly at $99USD
  • No lunchbox
  • They are still working on making all accesories "non custom" products (They are still checking other options like "Nokia batteries as spares and generic USB chargers").

Submission + - No Slashdot April Fools Jokes in 2008 8

An anonymous reader writes: Slashdot will not be participating in the April Fools jokes this year due to a lawsuit that was settled out of court with undisclosed terms stemming from the 2007 April 1st stunts. The false stories were determined to be too egregious by a yet to be named individual. Slashdot's parent company SourceForge, Inc. found it wiser to settle out of court then a lengthy battle that was obviously going to span several months.

The ponies will be missed.
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA 'making available' theory rejected in Barker (

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "In a 25-page decision (pdf) which has been awaited for two years in Elektra v. Barker, Judge Kenneth M. Karas has rejected the RIAA's "making available" theory and its "authorization" theory, but sustained the sufficiency of the complaint's allegations of "distribution" and "downloading", and also gave the RIAA 30 days to cure the defects in its complaint by filing a new complaint. The judge left it open for the RIAA to allege that defendant made an "offer to distribute", and that the offer was for "the purpose of further distribution", which, the judge held, would be actionable."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - EA launches hostile bid to acquire Take Two

An anonymous reader writes: Electronic Arts Inc (ERTS.O: Quote, Profile, Research) on Thursday launched a tender offer for rival video game maker Take-Two Interactive Software Inc (TTWO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) at $26 a share, indicating its $2 billion bid is turning hostile.
Take-Two, publisher of the popular "Grand Theft Auto" video games, last month rejected EA's unsolicited all-cash offer at the same price. The bid represents a 64 percent premium over Take-Two's closing stock price on February 15, the last trading day before EA sent the proposal to the company.
"We believe Take-Two investors will see our tender offer as the best way to maximize the value of their investment in Take-Two," EA Chief Executive John Riccitiello said in a statement.
Take-Two Chairman Strauss Zelnick has said the bid was "the wrong price and the wrong time," arguing that EA was trying to buy his company on the cheap just before the April 29 launch of "Grand Theft Auto 4." "
Read the original Reuters article

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