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Comment Re:John Perkins (Score 1) 133

Goodbye, Cold Fjord.

While your incessant shilling, political doublespeak, out-of-context quoting, thread-diluting gibberish and lack of applicable morality have been interesting...I cannot say, with any grain of truth, that I will miss you.

From the ashes of Slashdot rises http://soylentnews.org/ ....News BY the People, FOR the People.

Submission + - Community-sourced news site, soylentnews.org, goes live 18

umafuckit writes: soylentnews.org is the new way of taking the pulse of the nerd community. Soylentnews is a grassroots-based platform with the content feeds are powered by readers like you. The objective is to highlight news stories of general importance to everyone, but especially nerds. News about technology, art, science and politics: it's all there. Soylentnews is the new kid on the block and will adapt quickly to satisfy our community's needs and and push boundaries like never before. This is a real community site: no changes in format without a general consensus from the community. Stop by and see what you think of the freshly-launched site.

Comment Not too late... (Score 0) 192

When the cops are all wearing them, they no longer need us to wear them.

Edward Snowden seriously fucked up their roll-out schedule--GoogleGlass was meant for us--so now they focus on getting it in place on the people that control us. They are running out of time because of people using websites like Slashdot, sharing information and raising public awareness. Even without Slashdot, YOU can still do the same. Seriously, folks--do you really think they are killing Slashdot on accident? Sheer stupidity? They are killing Slashdot to silence us.


If history is any sort of an indicator, any rights we sell today, our children must buy back with blood tomorrow

Comment Re:It's been done (Score 1) 876

" So why not make Slashdot picutre based only, to open it up more to the masses (who often have the intellectual capacity of a 2-year-old anyway)?..."

I'll give it a shot.







Did that convey my message sufficiently?

Comment Re:in other news (Score 1) 341

"Bees make honey..."

Yes, we are worker bees.

Anyone play "The Secret World"? It's a Funcom MMO that is obviously designed to drive users to Google. Mission that don't have enough information to complete them are common. You literally cannot complete some missions without Google.

In this game, Bees are the analog of Google--they are everywhere and are integral to the theme of the game. Every transport hub has bees flying and buzzing everywhere. The idea is to get us to conflate our actions with being a worker-bee. We make honey for them, not us, or so they would have us believe.


If history is any sort of an indicator, any rights we sell today, our children must buy back with blood tomorrow

Comment Re:Kill Beta! (Score 1) 144

"Next time one is deleted you will be able to prove it."

That does nothing to prevent, or prove, other methods of stifling dissent--moderation abuses.

I've been posting the following in several places at once--AFTER I watched the first one get modded up to +5, and almost instantly (less then 30 seconds) go back to +1)--and every single time...it gets modded up, then back down and then, once the body of the post is no longer visible, STAY THERE.

So, fuck you, Dice. Here goes again.


If history is any sort of an indicator, any rights we sell today, our children must buy back with blood tomorrow

Comment Re:first post (Score 2) 100

"Dice gets most of their income from companies like Microsoft, Apple etc who pay for their products to receive favorable and frequent attention."

Do not forget Google (How many GoogleGlass Articles this week?).


If history is any sort of an indicator, any rights we sell today, our children must buy back with blood tomorrow

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The Tao doesn't take sides; it gives birth to both wins and losses. The Guru doesn't take sides; she welcomes both hackers and lusers.
