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Comment Zoom (Score 2) 28

Needs to be taken on. It's servers are in China, the encryption turned out to server based (open at their end to siphoning and surveillance), and governments everywhere are using it for top-level meetings, some classified, all invite-only, notably the UK.

Are we just stupid?

Comment Re:Yes, the excecution was hamfisted, but... (Score 2) 155

They are still selling devices that run of space as soon as Windows 10 updates itself, it's disgusting. I knew things were getting bad when Windows 8 went the way it did, Windows 10 is the nail in the coffin, I hope. And with the death of Microsoft someone will open source Windows 7 and we can do incremental fixes on that, instead!

Comment Re:Darwin, baby! (Score 0) 53

This is almost exactly what actually happened, except it was China unleashing it on the rest of the world whilst closing regional borders inside China!

Their expatriates bought up PPE in many countries in January and February, and flights continued to come out of Wuhan for months after they locked it down internally.

Comment Re:Single line (Score 1) 45

Non-Amstrad users should note the use of the semicolon after the "HELLO ", this tells Locomotive BASIC to not print the Chr$(13)+Chr$(10), forcing my name to appear on the same line, which could be achieved without using the multiline operator using a space instead - this is someone who had an Amstrad, has a sense of humour, and wanted me to be happy. Thank you again!

Submission + - Computer Model that inspired global lockdowns turns out to be sh*tcode ( 5

Stunt Pope writes: The Imperial College computer model that forecasted 500K deaths in the UK (and 2.5 million in the US) should policymakers pursue a “herd immunity” approach and persuaded them to reverse course and go full lockdown instead has been released on GitHub.

A code review by an ex-Google software engineer with 30 years experience reveals the software to be buggy and flawed. These programs generate non-reproducible results which are then averaged together to produce its models. These flaws "make the code unusable for scientific purposes".

Comment Re:Only on AMOLED (Score 1) 51

Wow lets just let that sink in. I'm carrying over a terabyte of storage, many megaflops of cpu, and billions of high res LED pixels with me when I go camping, or bugout, all on 5vdc and solar or hand crank. Wow. I'm a god damn portable civilisation. I have my oil stones and anvil, too. From my cold, dead, >

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