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Comment Re:Yeah sorry, no (Score 1) 299

Are there questionable activities taking place in some areas? Probably. To write the Forest Service off as some Federal monetization group is just absurd hyperbole.

The best thing to do would be to look at the USFS budget and see where the money is spent. Sadly, their 2015 budget overview is 70 pages long, and "surprisingly" doesn't begin with a simple pie chart that shows where the money is going. And I have other shit to do this morning. Then we can decide what the priorities really are.

Comment Re:Yeah sorry, no (Score 5, Insightful) 299

So, basically, the forest service is tasked with monetizing the National Forests of the United States, not "preserve the untamed character of the country's wilderness",

Yes, exactly like the Bureau of Land Management, the greatest land grab perpetrated against the people of the United States. IN WHICH rather than homesteading, the land was declared the property of the federal government, and they monetize it by selling land-raping permits (oil, coal, fracking, timber, and cattle grazing — the latter of which is not precisely land-raping, but simply -suppressing, since a portion of that land was cleared from forest specifically for the purpose of cattle ranching, back in the late 1800s and early 1900s.)

Comment Re:Fine! (Score 1) 365

TAG still exists, some states do a crap job of offering a good TAG program, but Common Core is the minimum f'ing standard, not the maximum, it doesn't dictate how a teacher teaches, just that all kids must be able to do a minimum number of things at each milestone.

A friend (who I have met personally) of a friend (who is reliable) used to be a teacher. They quit shortly after getting the details about what their day would look like in order to comply with CC. If everything went perfectly, all students were in their seats at the bell and stuff like calling roll took 0 minutes, they would have 15 too few minutes in the day to follow the schedule they were given.

If you have a problem with your school, I'd suggest it's *your* problem and as a parent

Not my problem as a parent. I wouldn't be a good parent, and I managed to exercise fairly close control over my reproductive processes, so I am not one. It's only my problem as a person who has to live with the results of this bullshit.

it's on you to fix it by either working on it or moving your kid to a better school

What the shit gave you an idea that I had a kid, anyway? I care about education because it affects me even though I don't.

Comment (Score 0) 299

The requirement for a permit when using tripods or shooting movies makes sense. Those things can be disruptive on the trails. Anything else is overkill. We need a petition to kill this before it gets any further. The idea that we'll have a steady flood of people confessing "crimes" on their FaceBook pages simply by having some familiar landmark in the background is mind boggling.

Comment Expectation of privacy (Score 1) 208

Even in the US, this is justified and I have no problem with it. There is no expectation of privacy when you build a house. I'm on the tax rolls. I expect my neighbors to be on the tax rolls too. That's how it works. Civil disobedience? No. This isn't Rosa Parks sitting in the front of a bus. This is a bunch of rich people cheating. Nothing to see here, move along.

Comment Re:Uhhh (Score 1) 907

It's not an ownership issue. It's a safety and consumer protection issue. In general, this model of selling crippled products needs to be regulated. If it isn't, we'll be putting dimes in our toasters just to have breakfast.

Comment Re:No Worky (Score 5, Informative) 179

While laziness and not wanting to wait 5 extra seconds for number crunching are certainly a factor, I've got customers who are paranoid that we might pull one over on them and retroactively change the data so when they go back to last quarter's numbers they won't be the same.

I set up a cronjob to wget the dashboard weekly, feed it to html2pdf, and email the result to the stakeholders.

Comment Re:Fine! (Score 1) 365

I have every right to be skeptical of CC. I find it a vast improvement over what was there, but I recognize the consternation of parents who suddenly realize their snowflakes aren't quite so precious.

To me, the failing of CC is more about the precious snowflakes who will be shoveled along with everyone else. The idea that we should all be held to the same standard is not only ridiculous, but it removes any and all time to support the exceptional students in being exceptional.

Comment Re:I'm gonna go with (Score 0) 200

Really, the US police only investigates crimes if reported by wealthy people!?

Or if they think there's a buck in it for them, yeah. I know personally people who have reported items stolen up to and including cars where they knew the location and got a total blowoff from the cops, we'll get to it if we get to it kind of shit. But if you make an anonymous tip about some shit going on someplace where they can seize some people's shit, yeah, they'll show up.

Comment Re:I'm gonna go with (Score 0) 200

Say what you want about the US(and there's plenty to say), you won't be paying "facilitation fees" to report a crime in the US,

Yeah, but if you're not wealthy, then they'll probably ignore the report once given, unless it ties into an active investigation. Subtle but meaningless difference.

Comment Re:Good luck (Score 1) 250

It has a time-of-the-day-and-application-name bar. No pinning to it.

Well, fuck it sideways. GNOME has truly gone to total shit, which is why I haven't used it in years. Can you still copy .desktop files to a desktop?

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