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Comment Re:If you don't want to vote, don't worry.. (Score 0) 344

RE: The purpose of an election is to convince the losing side they'd have also lost the war, so they aren't tempted to start one.

With the state of things, this will be the real issue after this election. I don't know what the centrist and "left leaning" folks will do. Probably organize more.

If the far-right loses, I cannot see them do anything passive. I fear some of them going out to shoot up anything not Christian and white.

Comment Re:got a technical question about these batteries (Score 1) 68

I just say this yesterday:

The Truth About Tesla Model 3 Batteries: Part 1

The Truth About Tesla Model 3 Batteries: Part 2

It explains EVERYTHING.
Why they switched batteries (Pros/cons)
Why they went with cylinders instead of what the competition is doing.
Why the Model 3 is so slow to come out and why it should get better.

(Disclaimer: I own no Tesla stock)

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