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Comment Of course they did (Score 3, Insightful) 84

If you ever got sucked into one of those grinding games that required you to amass new friends to complete a task and ended up with 20K friends around the globe you knew this plug-in. They aren't as popular as they used to be, but I still get request from friends. Once you start trying to unfriend 10K people you start looking for a way to automate it pretty fast. I haven't done an unfriend in a while but it used to take three button presses that refreshed the screen each time. And the refresh usually took 10-15 seconds each time.

Comment Newly crafted perhaps? (Score -1, Flamebait) 442

Newly-created non- Evidence Undermines China Lab-Leak Theory You humps are so scared of truth it's obvious you have been replaced with pod people from the CCP. Turn in your /. cards immediately!!! This post will be down modded by the CCP ASAP to hide their agenda. Congratulations /. You have been had!!!

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