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Comment Re: I can explain that part (Score 1) 95

I think you are missing the point entirely. There is a later of abstraction between three physical storage media (FLASH device) and the OS. Middleware as it were. The OS has no idea what it is doing and the one thing we know for sure is it isn't doing what the programmers seem to be assuming it is. Indeed different drives have different firmware. Even two drives of the same make and model may have different firmware versions that behave quite differently. The real fix here if there is one would be to increase over-provisioning and use a proper filesystem.

Comment Re: The horror! (Score 2) 169

When the country was founded most people were illiterate and uneducated. They also didn't have access to national and global news sources. That is why they created the electoral college system. We have changed in ways the forefathers couldn't possibly plan for and any belief in the idea that they were infallible and that their design works well today are far fetched and misguided at best.

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