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Comment Re:Come on people, (Score 1) 96

cisco owns the cli (has for nearly 20 yrs now). its the industry standard cli, like it or not.

you HAVE to do the cli a-la cisco if you want in, in the networking biz.

everyone (other than jnpr) does it and for good reason.

now, copying the manual is a bit too much; but the cli is fair game and it was smart to use the cisco cli style.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 3, Insightful) 163

But death rate aside - who wants to be laid up in bed for a week with fever and body aches?

with or without pay?

(I'm serious, actually. as a contractor, I get no sick time off (paid) and so each time I get sick, I have to think if its worth losing a day's pay vs infecting others at work. lose/lose. welcome to the new normal for emplo^H^H^H^H^Hworkers.)

Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 1) 238

in a corp network, you usually have laptops that are gen'd by the corp IT guys. that means - 99.9% of the time - they come pre-installed with evil certs. and a firewall that is surely a mitm node along your path.

10 yrs ago (or more) I was interviewing for netmgt jobs (this being my main field) and they were all about sniffing, dpi and mitm bullshit. really turned me off! but those were the jobs 10 yrs ago and they have not changed, over time. netmgt is still more about spying, these days, than true netmgt.

btw, when I run a vpn tunnel on my comcast home system, comcast routinely disconnects me after a few hours. I have to actually reboot the docsis modem to get a new connection. this only happens when I run a vpn and run lots of download traffic thru it. that really pisses them off and they have some kind of auto job that kills my connection dead. can't ping my default router. farking bastiges! but I have a workaround, so they don't get to win this round...

Comment Re:Setting aside that old Constitution (Score 1) 446

you have zero idea what a 'progressive' really is.

progress is when you abandon bronze age concepts (bible, etc) and accept science and modern ideas.

the R's are as anti-progress as you can get. the D's talk a good game but they are still corp-owned and only slightly better than the R's.

neither one has shown any 'progressive' tendancies for decades.

I WISH we had progressives, but what we have are regressives who want us to 'return to the good old days' of down-home religion, racism and separation of the rich class from everyone else (even more so than we already have).

Comment Re:Ads (Score 2) 319

I like the idea of micropayments.

however, I don't trust google to manage this. they ONLY do evil, these days, disguised as good.

if google is part of it, I want no part of it. sorry. but I already block anything that has a G domain in it. this would require me to unblock them and that is just 100% unacceptable to me.

we need a truly good company to help make this happen. google is not the way forward. google is PART OF THE PROBLEM!

Comment Re:This is a huge first step! (Score 1) 212

I'm with you; I have given up believing that our government is good and is trying to do the Right Thing(tm).

they are now more concerned with covering their asses and collecting all info they can 'just in case' they need it. more CYA, really.

parallel reconstruction is a horrible thing, but they use it and so they don't care about laws anymore.

what this has done is make us, the citizens, ALSO not care about the laws. I dont' think they realized this would be the effect, but I see it, in modern attitudes. especially in the young. they don't believe our government is good or trustable anymore and that our laws are corporate self-interest based.

what goes around, comes around. and that's what bothers me the most. the 'arms race' between the gov and the citizens is growing and not de-escalating.

each generation has said 'the world is going to hell in a handbasket' but this time, they really are right.

sadly, I don't see a reversal. ;(

Comment Re:So how much power will this use? (Score 2, Informative) 212

according to google, essentially NO extra cpu (in real terms) is needed anymore.



If there's one point that we want to communicate to the world, it's that SSL/TLS is not computationally expensive any more. Ten years ago it might have been true, but it's just not the case any more. You too can afford to enable HTTPS for your users.

Comment Re:Private Links != Paid Priority (Score 2) 258

Anyone who believes that buying private links into a providers network is the same as your traffic getting paid priority knows jack shit about network ops.

ever hear of TE (traffic engineering)? I call bullshit on your statement. even inside large isp networks they will give qos to some data more than others. it can be by traffic type or endpoint identity or a combination of many things. my day job is at a major router company and I can (or can't, uhm, ...) tell you many things about how you can prioritize traffic with modern core and edge routers and switches.

to say that traffic is not engineered is to lie to us.

we are not stupid, you know....

Comment Re:Google's Paypal (Score 1) 105

your reply addresses nothing that I posted about.

they are not a tiny company and so, they have LESS excuses to kill off launched apps and services. 10 or 50 man company, sure, fine. but the mamoth that they are? inexcusable!

do I sense fanboi'ism at YOUR end, mate? I don't have sour grapes; I stopped supporting google and their products years ago. they fooled me once but they are never getting a 2nd chance from me.

Comment Re:Google's Paypal (Score 3, Insightful) 105

so-called 'free applications' or services are bullshit since they can and will be pulled at any time google so chooses.

they are THEY 'short attention span' company of the decade. I can't think of anyone else who abandons their own work so frequently and after its actually launched on the public, too. abandoning things in internal field-test is fine. but once its launched, it should not be killed off without a damned good reason.

with all the brainpower (?) google has, with all their money and employee base, its amazing how much abandonware they have produced over the years.

google makes me laugh. a bunch of children who think they can engineer products. lol. it takes a lot more than just writing code and throwing it on a website to truly be a respectable product engineer. I don't know if google has ANY such people, form what I can see on the outside.

Comment Re:Without their permission (Score 2) 98

speaking of gps maps, I had a discussion with a guy at work about buying a gps that came with the car vs installing an aftermarket one.

my point to him was that car companies cannot be trusted with your data, your driving locations are WAY too much info to hand over to them, their gps systems are almost always worse than even just your phone's gps and they are expensive as hell. the only upside is that they 'look good' on your dash since it was designed in from the factory.

no, I want no bluetooth from a car company or any other networking thing. no radio uplinks, no beacons, no data logging (hard to avoid the blackboxes that are now built into every car sold to the US folks) but what stuff I am able to stop them from using, I certainly will.

this kind of thing makes buying 10+ yr old used cars look a lot better. it also makes me want to hang onto my old car for as long as I possibly can.

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