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Comment Re:Web server for printing... (Score 4, Interesting) 178

...because web protocols are universal and easy to use.

Ask yourself this question. Should I use a standard protocol with tons of tools an an ecosystem to support it or should I use a totally custom protocol to handle everything?

Why you'd need to write custom complicated protocols from scratch for everything always riddled me.

Maybe you think because theres less overhead it's better. IDK, but I reject that premise.

Disclaimer: I work with a bunch of stubborn hardware engineers that sometimes refuse to give up their false permises about software.

Comment Re:The "public comment" is a charade (Score 1) 336

This post got me thinking about those elected to represent me and my community.

Senator Dianne Feinstein opposes net neutrality
Senator Barbara Boxer supports net neutrality
Representative Lois Capps supports net neutrality

How many here even know about how their elected officials stand on net neutrality? Honestly I doubt most people think this is a pressing issue when they vote(/.ers being the exception).

Comment Ease of Use (Score 2) 203

I am an Android user, but I've always said that iOS wasn't designed for me. I've said it is great a great product if you want a simple to use smartphone that just works. I think this type of failure really makes me think twice about repeating that advice. Apple success has depended on creating clean products with extreme attention to detail. I'm really disappointed.

Comment Re:Linux version first? (Score 1) 33

In their introduction they use the term meta-operating system.

ROS is an open-source, meta-operating system for your robot. It provides the services you would expect from an operating system, including hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly-used functionality, message-passing between processes, and package management. It also provides tools and libraries for obtaining, building, writing, and running code across multiple computers.

Comment Re:Qualcomm must be funding it. (Score 4, Informative) 33

Heres the thing about R/T robotic control systems in industrial robotics. The tasks that they run are well defined repetitive tasks that don't change much. The kinds of robotics that we see in Hollywood block busters require significant more intelligence and perception that require a little looser definition of real-time computing.

What you're talking about is hard real-time requirements. This means that if we miss some timing we have a total systems failure. ROS does not guarantee timing, so you'll have to come up with a different way to handle these. One solution is to have specialized, verifiable hardware the handles those hard real-time requirements. Usually these are things that prevent the robot from damaging itself, property or others.

There are many applications of robotics that have firm or soft real-time requirements. These are real-time tasks that can be handled by ROS. Robotic perception is something that doesn't really fit into the hard real-time requirement, so we have to think about ways that these systems degrade and fail gracefully when deadlines are missed.

Comment Re:Linux version first? (Score 2) 33

Android is Java. Although ROS supports multiple language bindings the core is written in cpp.

Google has a rosjava port. Multiple machines can run in a single ROS system, so the rosjava port is usually used to create Android UI applications to control or view information in a multi-machine ROS system.

ROS development is tied very closely to Ubuntu. Some things work on Mac OSX, but that's because it's Unix based and the built system was easier to adapt. Windows support is practically non-existent because to build system is not well-suited for non-unix systems. You would have an easier time getting rosjava to work.

Really the reason ARM is supported easily is because it's simply a recompilation. Most of the Ubuntu packages that are required are already available for ARM. Full Android support is significantly more difficult.

Comment Re: I hope not (Score 3, Insightful) 511

You only need to learn one oo procedure based language. All others are just a book exercise.

The problem with that is most people think because they can program in that language they understand the paradigm.

There are tons of c++ and c# programmers out there who think object orientation is only about turning UI controls into objects. All other code is more of a mix of bad OO and imperative programming.

I would revise your original statement to you only need to learn one oo language well. Same for functional languages. You are have to know a language well to understand the paradigm.

Comment Re:Self Serving Story? (Score 4, Interesting) 267

I just don't agree with him. Bitcoins have some serious issues. If someone develops a digital currency that addresses those issues and makes them more practical for every day use I support it. If I had to wait for 10 minutes to get my starbucks coffee paid for I'd probably decide to just pay cash. I also wonder how quickly the blockchain would grow if bitcoin became more mainstream. Anonymity is also an issue. I think competition between digital currencies will only make them more practical and robust. That can only be a good thing for digital currencies in the long run. If progress is not made digital currencies will never replace conventional ones.

Comment Re:"Dance" = rolling blackouts (Score 3, Interesting) 442

I think you missed the point of the article. Demand is far easier to manipulate. Cost incentives that match demand to supply will work if you scale the cost dynamically to match the instantaneous capacity of the grid. Turn a factory on full power when the wind is blowing and slow it down when the wind isn't.

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