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Comment Re:Oh, my God. Oh, God, no! (Score 1) 163

Leaving that conspiracy theory far aside my point about TMI being an example of complacency stands because there were so many things wrong with it which were later fixed in other reactors.
What I'm writing about is the reaction to the accident and the change from a lax attitude to a return to better standards and a closer scrutiny of risks. The "next TMI only without the dumb luck saving us" became effectively a non-event like the Y2K bug as a lot of work was put in to stop it from happening. The USSR of course was not so lucky when they had their wake up call - they had written TMI off as "those dumb Americans" just as idiots now write of Chenobyl as "those dumb Russians".

Comment Re:Use a persistence library (Score 3, Interesting) 267

The logic for the dataset should be in the database where it belongs.

Crazy trigger/Crazy procedure problems are the same as every where else, if it's undocumented the code is hard to maintain.

Not sure what your problem with debugging a procedure is, most databases has interfaces for tracing procedures, I actually find SolidDb procedure trace to be preferred over normal print statements in .

Comment For all the negatives... (Score 1) 398

... here is a positive: Colin McRae's Dirt2: the game feels so polished on the PC that I'd think it was designed for it.

Another negative: NFS shift: there's no way to avoid watching the 10 second or so video clip at the start and re-start of every race if you don't press the 'A' button... which it seems cannot be mapped to the keyboard or to a button on a non-xbox controller... very annoying when trying and re-trying to get a race right.

Tip: With the pinnacle game profiler program and enough patience you can customize your controller to cover for the lack of attention the game developers put on the port to the PC.

Comment Re:Neat UI after Battle.Net changes (Score 1) 244

Assuming you're close enough to the exchange for ADSL to not suck, switch to O2. They've been the best ADSL provider I've had here in the UK.

No caps, no "peak-time" and the speeds are close to as advertised (I pay for a 20Mb line and get 18Mb, with BT it was down at 12Mb, on the same telephone line as well, so figure that one out)

Comment Re:The problem is Bob (Score 2, Insightful) 183

Just R'ed the FA, and my first reaction was "Bob's an idiot."

I think you might be overreacting a bit.

First, either he is using his home PC to make financial transactions for his employer, or he is taking a laptop home that can be used to access his employer's financial institution.

Fair point, but what if Bob is accessing his own, personal bank account from home?

Second, he's installing shareware/freeware on this machine, and he does it without scanning the downloaded files or researching the reliability of the publisher.

Read the article a little more closely; it specifies an infection via cross-site scripting, not a download. I don't think he can be considered an "idiot" for not researching every search engine listing for reliability before visiting the site.

Third, he uses a browser over an unsecured internet connection instead of via VPN to the company network, which should incorporate well maintained filters and firewalls.

See point 2

Fourth, he continues to use this browser after it exhibits strange behavior.

Again, I don't think it qualifies someone as an "idiot" if they don't do a complete system security review every time their browser crashes.

Fifth, he ignores red flags like unexplained 'Safety Pass' requests.

That's not necessarily a red flag, maybe his bank rechecks this periodically; I doubt, in that case, that most people would keep the schedule of these checks handy to sniff out any suspicious deviations.

If I discovered Bob did this when he worked for me, I'd fire Bob, no matter how much the boss on the temp agency radio commercials loves him.

Again see point 2; Companies aren't the only ones with bank accounts.

Comment Re:Step 1. (Score 3, Informative) 1197

The COBRA premiums reflect the true cost of the coverage. They are the same as the full premium that was being paid jointly by you and your employer. Most employees are blissfully unaware what the true cost of their insurance is -- they think the amounts deducted from their checks are the insurance premium. Actually, that payroll deduction represents only approximately 20% to 40% of the true cost.

The real pain isn't the premium cost -- you already take that into account when setting the rates you will charge as an independent. The real pain is that when you apply for medical insurance and aren't part of an employer group (which includes plenty of young healthies), the insurance companies will assume that you have cancer and AIDS (at least!), and that the only reason you are applying for coverage is to trick them into paying for your expensive bills. They will scrutinize your health experience with a fine tooth comb -- expect even minor nicks in your health to be grounds for them to say no.

Comment Re:Prepare for all (Score 1) 766

It would be interesting to note though, when your brother requests a complete reinstallation of his Microsoft Windows 7 machine to factory settings due to an immense slowness to boot, popups and other obscene paraphernalia associated with the everyday use of Microsoft Windows . I assume, that at that time he will still be able to quickly boot his Linux laptop and check his emails/browse without delay. And not run the risk of a BSOD within five minutes due to some sound card driver update installing.

Comment Re:Well in that case (Score 1) 276

Which is why you "trust" the certifying authority. Any of your CAs could make a cert for any popular site. There needs to be some sort of PGP style web of trust, where people you personally trust sign SSL certs that they trust. Eventually, when you have 4 good friends who have signed/trust a specific Gmail SSL cert, then you could be sure it was OK. If it ever changed, well, then all bets are off.

Comment Re:some facts about nuclear energy. (Score 1) 622

Some other facts:

1. The US Department of Energy statistics are that the US burns 2 trillion pounds (just under 1 billion metric tons) of coal per year.
2. Solar and wind power is cost competitive with nuclear and coal when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. To generate renewable energy around the clock, you have two choices:
2a. Add a power storage system to your solar or wind power plant that captures most of the energy and stores it for night time, cloudy days, or calm winds. This increases your costs by at least a factor of five, blowing your cost parity with nuclear and coal to hell.
2b. Supplement your renewable energy source with another power source to fill in the gaps in renewable energy generation. This is what is usually done, and the favored backup is natural gas. This also ends your cost parity with nuclear and coal, and guarantees your continued reliance on non-renewable energy sources or nuclear.

We could bury all of the nuclear waste we generated in the history of the human race in the underground space the United States clears with one year of mining coal.

Comment Dear computer makers (Score 0, Offtopic) 756

Why can't we just have everything? Why does it have to be multitasking OR multitouch? clearly the tech is capable of both, why can't we just have it? is multitasking too complex for the average user to get their head around? that's been part of both mac and pc computing from the word "OS", why is it suddenly a new concept? multitouch and gestures are new, and a revolution if they could be used for computing and not just dicking around. can you imagine? a multitouch interface with final cut pro, moving video clips around a timeline and synching sound effects with gesture? hot damn, that's a sweet concept! but it's not yet! and it so totally could be now! why can't we have nice things?!

Comment Re:How's that working out (Score 2, Insightful) 450

Exceptional individuals do emerge despite their disadvantageous environment, but the majority will fail, and ignoring them won't work. Money will either be spent on assistance or on prison, and the latter is a lot more expensive. I don't think we need to choose between welfare programs and space though. The "huge amounts" given to the black poor are negligible compared to the trillions spent on coddling the wealthy and wasted on war and other insane endeavors.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 1324

Because their kids are smarter than the average public school student.

Hence my comment about private schools. Private schools can easily ensure that all their students graduate by picking only the smartest students for their schools. Home schooling parents can ensure their kids succeed by only picking their above-average children.

To do a proper control you would need each home schooling parent to be teaching their child and three children of parents without college degrees.

Comment Fedora Multiseat (Score 1) 460

The closest thing I can think of is Fedora's multi-seat project:

It allows one computer with multiple displays to have multiple X sessions. Unfortunately it doesn't ship with the latest release. And I don't think it supports sliding an application window from one session to another.

Comment Re:Religious issue (Score 1) 231

Why not just be honest and label the sides pro-abortion and anti-abortion? I get the idea that you have to present your ideas using the most favorable words possible in order to make it seem like you are naturally correct, but we're almost all adults here so let's not play intellectually dishonest games.

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