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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 76 declined, 13 accepted (89 total, 14.61% accepted)


Submission + - IE6 update breaks websites

140Mandak262Jamuna writes: Betanews is reporting that the security update for IE6 breaks a number of websites that uuses the HTTP 1.1 protocol and compression. MS is providing hotfix. The hackers will reverse engineer the security fix to find the vulnerability and then reverse engineer the hotfix to find ways to circumvent the protection. Security through obscurity? Only we general legit users who dont reverse engineer code are in the dark. With this many patches, hotfixes coming out, the hackers would know more about the vulnerabilities than any of us.

Open Source allows both good people (especially neutral thirdparty good people who no vested interests) and bad people see the code. Security through Obscurity closed sources let only the bad people see the holes. Which is better?

Last year when Firefox broke out into the mainstream, almost all the news stories used to include an obligatory line, "But Firefox does not work on all sites". Would a day come, when the news stories would add a line "But IE does not work on all sites"? Well, I am not holding my breath.

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