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Comment Re: My old 75 Ford pickup, no so computer hackable (Score 1) 140

This is actually false, frame is less robust design as far as car crashes go. The only reason it might do better in a crash is because frame of a truck would sit higher than bumper of a passenger car, and truck would have more mass. Take two comparable cars, one with a frame and another with unibody and crash them into eachother - people in the frame-design car design would likely horribly die while unibody would walk away with minor bruises. Crumple zones, force dissipation into entire unibody, and rigid cage are just THAT GOOD at protecting passengers.

Comment A better idea - customized plate with SSN (Score 2) 142

I have a better idea, why not get a customized plate with your SSN? At least doing so has no potential of killing you in a high-speed crash.

Your OBD II port has direct access to CANBUS, as such plugging anything with wireless connectivity puts a huge "remotely mess with my car" sign on it. Throw in Bluetooth and possibly unpatched Android into the mix and you are inviting every script kiddie out there to turn your car into a video game.

Comment Right to force others to use stone tools (Score 4, Interesting) 81

Dear humanity, welcome to the Information Age. Why do we call it Information age? Because we developed technologies that allow us to retain significant portion of all information and knowledge produced, from mundane to crucial. As such, your right to forget should not, cannot trump our right to remember.

Submission + - Idiot Left Driver's Seat In Self-Driving Infiniti, On The Highway

cartechboy writes: Self-driving cars are coming, that's nothing new. People are somewhat nervous about this technology, and that's also not news. But it appears self-driving cars are already hear, and one idiot was dumb enough to climb out of the driver's seat while his car cruised down the highway. The car in question is a new Infiniti Q50 which has Active Lane Control and adaptive cruise control. Both of which essentially turn the Q50 into an autonomous vehicle while at highway speeds. While impressive, taking yourself out of a position where you can quickly and safely regain control of the car if needed is simply dumb. After watching the video, it's abundantly clear why people should be nervous about autonomous vehicles. It's not the cars and tech we need to worry about, it's idiots like this guy.

Submission + - Google Wants Everyone to Have Stock Android on Every Phone (

DavidGilbert99 writes: Google has silently released a very significant update to its Google Now Launcher app. Previously limited to Nexus devices, the app now works with any smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 or above and allows users to experience the stock Android interface rather than the manufacturer-imposed skin. This is the first step on a major push by Google to wrestle back control of Android from the likes of Samsung, HTC and LG.

Submission + - DARPA awards $40 million for research into memory-controlling implants (

An anonymous reader writes: "The Pentagon's premier research and development division, DARPA, has awarded a $40 million grant to a pair of American universities to help develop "memory restoration technologies" that the agency says are aimed at helping military personnel cope with brain injuries, but which seem like they could also be used to implant phony memories."

Comment Re:Opinion from industry insider (Score 1) 140

Pre-negotiated shared key is very hard to do right, due to the need to perform secure key injection AND trust unverified third parties (e.g. independent mechanics). You also have to worry about have non-static configuration (e.g. what happens when your independent mechanic changes a sensor, how do you authenticate it?).

About the only implementation I can think of is to have car run its own Trust Authority, with owner and not manufacturer (yeah, right) controlling it. This way adding new sensor will be a question of typing in the owner's password. Unfortunately, most people will leave everything default and not care about security implications, leaving such security measures largely ineffective. So we are back to "air gap it" solution.

Comment Re:Every single day (Score 5, Insightful) 234

I understand that above suggestion to "saw their heads off" was likely made in jest, but there is grain of truth to it.

We live in an era where people in charge have very little accountability to the masses. "The Mob" no longer puts fear into politicians or business community. As such "maybe I shouldn't do this nefarious yet legal deed because it could end up with guillotine" check is no longer there.

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