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How One Small Business Switched to Ubuntu 467

firenurse writes to point out a story in The Inquirer about how one small business switched to Ubuntu. It describes a maddening comedy of errors, a series of circular screw-ups among Microsoft, HP, and a RAID vendor. From the article: "You never quite wrap your head around how anti-consumer Microsoft's policies are until they bite you in the bum. Add in the customer antagonistic policies of its patsies, HP in this case, and vendors like Promise, and you have quite a recipe for pain. Guess what I did today?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Redundancy!

Today, the 23rd of Sept 2003 I have been made redundant! :-D

the handshake was very much golden in colour and the timing is perfect..
I'll leave the site i work at on the 28th of Nov, as they need me to hang around long enough to help them with their changes and swapovers..

User Journal

Journal Journal: crap..

Got smashed by the flu on monday night.. through till wed night.. was fast and furious.. I seem to be over the flu now but I'm still getting headspins etc etc from what I guess is dehydration etc.

My counterpart (JWC ;-) at the other big site made a god almight fuckup and has wrecked his network.. 24 hours later and its still down.. no work done at all because his PDC, BDC and main file servers are RS (rat shit ;-).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Big changes

This whole company restructure thing sucks.
Its got moral at an all time low.. no not my moral.. everyone elses.
I would be happy if they made me redundant, as I'd get to shift to Perth on a decent cash package..

User Journal

Journal Journal: Seeya Andrew

Andrew was finally "Let Go" last night.
I have to say I'm relieved that its all over, he was a liability, but now he's finished and moved on I feel less inclinded to be guarded with him.. and might even stay in contact with him..

I think though that if he wanted re-course, then the company has left itself way open for legal counter action.. *shrug* not my problem.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Upgrade going well

Well.. Its taken a while but all in all.. the hard parts are done.. and now I'm formatting the 169 gig of diskspace we have :-)

Its taking a VERY long time (10 mins for 2%) so I could be here till very late.. :-/

It went so well I think I might try and upgrade the bios on the contoller card of our PDC (yeah its a NT4 domain), as the raid array on that is fucking slow..

User Journal

Journal Journal: BRILLIANT!

Last night.. I installed my old soundblast LIVE Value! card.. and compiled it into the kernel.
Its damned near perfect.. No crappy sound.. the game ET runs heaps smoother (and I don't have to type "artsdsp -m et" to run it.. ), its amazing the difference that having hardware supported with hardware mixing, makes to the overall performance of the machine.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sound support in Linux

Found an interesting article that says that the Ensoniq Audio PCI card has VERY good (if not kinda limited) support in Linux.. The soundBlaster live is a close second.. I'm only after basic stereo (but RELIABLE stereo), so I think that I might try and locate one of these.. good thing they're dirt cheap :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: IQ

I had an interesting experiance with an online IQ testing site..
( this one : http://www.highiqsociety.org/noflash/nonmembers/iqtests.htm )
I did the "Culture fair IQ Test" and got 123..
The test was timed.. and I know that the score also runs off how long it took to answer each question.. I was doing it in a linux enviroment where several times I had to click two or three times because the Linux GUI enviroment isn't quite as forgiving as a windows one.. plus I was distracted by my

User Journal

Journal Journal: More Gentoo :-)

I've spent some BULK time on Gentoo, its chat channel and its forum..
I've learnt more in the last 3 weeks about linux because of Gentoo than I have in the last 5 years using RH and Mandrake.. :-/

User Journal

Journal Journal: GENTOO!!! :-)

Ha.. Just notice that someone commented in my journal.. it was a fair cop.. but because he posted as an Anonymous Coward I wont bother dignifying it with a reply..

User Journal

Journal Journal: Praises.. 1

Was informed yesterday that the top of the food chain for this mine site (and indeed the Australian region), seems to think I'm an under utilized and very clever individual..
It's nice to be recognized :-P

The main Guts of my new home machine will be here tomorrow arvo *wibble* :-P The rest (case etc) should be here tomorrow or Friday at the latest :-D

User Journal

Journal Journal: Betrayal! :-[

Got screwed over by my manager today, all because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
Well. lesson learnt.. I'll not be fwding info through to him again, and he loses out on a very well informed Sys Admin.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Erk..

Had a scary insight into my subconscious last night..
I had a recurring dream.. and every time I woke up, and went back to sleep it would start again..
It wasn't a pretty dream either.. its was bloody, and violent and involved alot of pain... on my behalf..

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why didn't I think of that??

Had someone mention in conversation the idea of a scratch drive.
Why haven't I thought of this idea? Its bloody great!
We have a "Temp share" drive on the netwrok at the moment, and I'm constantly having to try and clean it out as its full of crap, some of it 4-5 years old!!
I'm going to try and clean out the drive later and then set ip up as a "scratch drive" so it looks after itself. :-) sheer brilliance..

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