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Comment Re:A Walkable City? (Score 4, Informative) 199

Ireland, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, Namibia, New Zealand, Liberia, Lesotho, and the Philippines also use the "soccer" term.

Many other countries (Afganistan, Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, - you know what fuck it I'm to the G's and I'm tired of typing them) call the game by some local name which sometimes translates to "foot ball" but not always.

Bottom line - this website is based in the US. Most of its users are from the US. Its not going to be uncommon for US English - where the game is called soccer - to be the language used here.

Comment Re:Known Unknowns (Score 1) 63

Think of it like the ancient Greeks measuring the radius of Earth and then realizing that there was a lot of the surface of the planet that, given their measured curvature, must logically be there but that they had zero knowledge of.

That example only works in hindsight. Yes, they had a somewhat accurate calculation of the size of the Earth, and therefore could potentially guess that there was "something" between Europe and swinging back around to Asia, but that is only now accurate because we've determined the actual size of Earth and what that thing in between is.

At the time until proven otherwise it could have just as easily been that their math was wrong the whole time.

Comment Re:Nah (Score 1) 56

I hate supposed explanations of something which are a video of a talking head. Having something written down is much better if done properly. The problem is that getting ideas across is hard, few people can do it effectively. It also takes time to do right. Some of this will be useful, much of it will not be.

Comment Re:Let the government step in (Score 1) 36

That said some sort of tax is probably preferable to bans since in the article above it mentions in places that banned bags it became a cat/mouse game of what a "bag" is.

Or what a "disposable" bag means.

Here one county banned disposable bags, so the local Walmarts in that county switched to a much thicker and sturdier plastic bag instead. They're still free though, so now they're effectively just handing out bags that consume 10x (or more) the plastic of the old ones to skirt around the law.

Article about this:

Comment Dark Energy (Score 2) 63

I've never really put much stock in the dark energy theory. For one - its another "placeholder" theory. IE, this thing exists with no proof because our equations don't work with this as a fudge factor.

That said, even assuming dark energy exists, and is what is driving expansion of the universe, then there's no guarantee that it will continue to strengthen over time. Indeed the expansion hasn't just been accelerating since the beginning. At the very beginning of the big bang expansion was much more rapid, then slowed down dramatically, then has been gradually speeding back up again.

The thing is, without knowing what caused the first slowing of expansion, there's no guarantee that expansion won't slow again eventually.

Comment Re:Oh you sweet summer child (Score 1) 31

It's important to note that Weird Al seeks the approval of the artists he is parodying. Technically it's not likely in many cases he has to, since US copyright law generally protects parody, but he's a good faith actor who understands not everyone is going to want to be parodied. Still, the fact that he does seek permission gives him an extra layer of protection.

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