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Comment Re:Equality (Score 1) 490

Oh, you mean what the media keeps telling you? Or people like foldable human who were investigated by the police for posting child porn, who was one of the main people who made up the lie about that. Along with three others. Strange that when CP is posted on 8ch, it's deleted as soon as reported. You know, like on any other site that follows the rule of law. Would you like me to continue to debunk the lies you're spewing?

How about the aggressive harassment and lies by people like randi harper, or brianna wu? How about the anti-GG star sarah butts who openly wanted to molest their 8yr old cousin, and engaged in bestiality(while not illegal everywhere, it's generally considered animal cruelty).

And I suppose that since no one thinks it's about ethics in journalism, that's why all these sites seem to have implemented ethic and disclosure policies, even sites like gameranx which is now neutral-GG, they were anti-GG for quite a while. That's also why the SPJ is holding an meeting to discuss the medias open bias, and attacks against GG. Yep, they've done nothing. I suppose it's nice when you're living in a dream world.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 1) 490

Well let's see, there's two subs on 8ch, there's ~44k subs on kia. The statistics kia show between 3-20% increase in each month. In ~1.3 months it'll have been around for a year. Then again it seems that you're one of the people who took the "gamergate is 300 people" type of lies hook line and sinker. I'll bet that you're also one of the people who claim that people in notyourshield are either not minorities, or are uncle toms for wandering off the plantation.

So yep, gamergate has done nothing. That's why all of those gaming sites that were called out seem to be or have implemented a new disclosure and ethics policy. Even sites like gameranx which was heavy-antiGG is now neutralGG. That of course is why whenever GG sets their targets on something, amazing stuff happens. And why when anti-gg does something, they come out like screaming racists, bigots, and start throwing around the identity politics.

Comment Re:XP? OK. But, Office? (Score 1) 192

Office, though? What are they doing? Using a mail merge macro to address the nuclear missiles on said submarine? Why the heck can't they just replace that with minimal issues?

I know of several government offices that still use Wordperfect 5.1 because it suits their needs perfectly for what they have to do, it would also be more expensive to change over, update all the documentation, and retrain everyone on a new system. Sometimes using something that's existing like that is far cheaper, not always but often enough. There's a realty office that I do work for and they're still using a 2.0 Novell NetWare machine, it does everything that it needs to do.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 2) 490

Oh please, this stuff is all over the tech news these days. It isn't just Slashdot.

Correction, it's on sites where there are declining revenue streams and the sites have to survive on clickbait. And there's a lot of sites that have serious problems with profitability. Then again, Gamergate would never have taken off if the journalists and websites hadn't attacked gamers in the first place. And it wouldn't still be growing if sites like reddit hadn't decided to institute it's 'safe spaces' bullshit, while leaving subs like SRS, SRD or coontown still operating.

In general, people are tired of the garbage, the propaganda as news, and general bullshit clickbait. The poster that replied to you would be much happier I suppose if sites continued with the "Tifa's tits too big? We must change it for the perpetually offended." Or gaming murders people, we need to ban video games twitter heads like anita sarkisian.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 3, Insightful) 490

Apparently you haven't been paying much attention to the 3rd wave feminists over the last 10-15 years. They're the ones screaming they want 50-50 in everything. They're also the ones screaming when women are required to do the same amount to pass physical tests for important jobs like firefighting. And of course over the last 5-6 years or so, they're also the same ones screaming that womens studies is very, very, very, important and women should go into it. While yelling about how there's a lack of women in STEM fields.

3rd wave feminism is junk, nothing more nothing less. It focuses on first world problems, and when it comes up against something like the mythical wage gap you start running into the people who say that 'women are paid less then men' but they fail to realize that women take more time off, have more sick days, and so on. And of course, these are the same types that would scream from the rooftops for someone like Hillary Clinton who actually does pay women less then men.

Comment Re:Who buys them? (Score 1) 668

I can't say for other countries but in India there is a huge market for homeopathy. The main reason for this is that homeopathic concoctions (you can't seriously call them medicines) are dirt cheap, even by Indian standards. So for many with limited incomes that is the first option when they fall sick. The second is the availability of self-proclaimed homeopathic practitioners. Books on homeopathy are readily available and cost little. So it is quite easy for people read up these books and start a part-time job dispensing these concoctions. And finally, Indian society, as a whole, inherently has a lot of belief in alternative systems of medicine such as ayurveda, unani, naturopathy and homeopathy. This might be because these systems either existed in India or became popular before mainstream/modern medicine.

Bonus Fact: Many Indians use the term "allopathy" when referring to conventional medicine. Not sure how widespread this usage is across the world.

Comment Re:Love the idea (Score 1) 163

That is the first thing that comes to mind....those buying these products usually have their own reliable sources to ensure that they are get what they pay for. So a huge challenge would be to identify the points in the chain where they can introduce these printed ones. And if someone does identify such points it would be more, easier, prudent and ethical to inform the authorities instead.

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