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Comment Re:Because capitalism, idiots. (Score 3, Informative) 245

Ha ha ha ha! In the USSR we invented 4 or 5 antibiotics over the life of the country (a country that lasted for 69 or 74 years, depends on how you count) and it was complete and total socialism and of-course it was complete and total failure. How many antibiotics did they invent in Cuba exactly? North Korea?

American capitalism in 19th century American Free Market is actually what created cheap accessible and effective medical and pharma systems as for profit businesses and for the last 100 years American socialism/fascism have been destroying everything that was done.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 599

I was born in the USSR and saw soviet socialism as invective against the individual, I also lived in other socialist countries and again saw Western style socialism as invective against the individual. USA style corporatism and large socialist style government is fascist at this point, so I can observe that as well and I am not interested in it either, I also see it as invective against the individual. You think I need Wikipedia to define something from me that I saw and keep seeing in real life? Maybe you need Wikipedia to tell you what is obviously going on around, (which defines you as a person not worth arguing with) but I do not.

Socialism and fascism are both collectivism and collectivism is what I am 100% against, as it destroys individualism that I see as a requirement to have a free society.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 599

Actually AFAIC they are the same thing from point of view of the resulting oppression of the individual liberties and freedoms and ability to run your life without the State interference.

You tell me, what is in your opinion the gigantic difference that matters enough where it concerns the individual liberties exactly?

AFAIC I don't care if it is some fucking autocrat with strong links in the corporate sector to decides to limit my freedoms and oppress me or if it is the fucking mob with its fucking voting system that decides to oppress me, the end result is the same fucking shit.

In both cases people that actually want to work for living and not be stolen from by the State end up being exactly that - slaves in the system, having their income stolen by the State. Does it matter what the stolen property ends up being used for from the perspective of the person it is stolen from? Not even a bit, because both systems promise this 'social contract' crap that is complete and utter nonsense, designed to vindicate the actual theft that is going on.

Not even slightly interested in irrelevant differences between the two when the major resulting issues are exactly the same.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 599

No conundrum whatsoever, socialists and fascists are both collectivists that oppose individual freedom and free markets in general, they both seek market intervention and control over individual lives and of businesses, they both see the group being above the individual and often enough people switch between two without major realignment of their belief systems. The important part for me is both are collectivist, both are oppressive, both see government as the instrument to destroy individual freedoms and create large and powerful state.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 599

Never worked for any provider, I run my own software company. Your inability to see the ideas based on their own merits rather than immediately assuming that the person carrying the idea forward has some personal interest in it (beside the obvious one, that I have already described many times, the idea that individuals must not be oppressed by the state) is not unusual in this day and age of socialist and fascist ideology propaganda and acceptance.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score -1, Troll) 599

This action by government is one of those monumental changes that create monopolies and once you have government protected monopolies others cannot easily compete with them (if it is even legal to compete with them without also falling under the same rules that created these monopolies in the first place). These are horrendous news for individual freedoms but not unexpected in the Socialist Fascist States of America.

Comment Re:Dark side (Score 1) 65

More of this to come and for a good reason.

As to revolutions and such nonsense - the stupid and jealous should learn to see beyond their nose, none of those revolutions made anything better for the people who were poor in those systems prior to any of it. The poor get poorer, the rich leave.

I have 0 interest in any of your jealousy, 0 interest in any theft and redistribution of stolen goods by the mob for the mob. Revolutions are a ruse, they were always set up by pseudo-intellectuals who wanted power and used the dumb masses to get that power and then they stomped all over those masses once they got to power.

AFAIC people will eventually learn that it is better to live in an actual capitalist free market society after going through so many ridiculous attempts at theft and redistribution.

But don't be mistaken by my civil response to your comment, I see you as vomit, nothing more.

Comment Re: Feminism HURTS families (Score 1) 126

The whole point of slapping - or other low-intensity violence - is to show the victim's very body is perpetrator's possession, to do with as they please. Please explain how describing this as ownership is hyperbolical?

You actually need to show that "the whole point of [low-intensity violence] is to show the victim's body is the perpetrator's possession" first. Once you manage to establish that as something other than bullshit, then I'll take the onus from there. Good luck.

Comment Re: Feminism HURTS families (Score 1) 126

It's not a fight between equals, it's some douchebag asserting their power - their ownership - over someone else.

Other than the "ownership" hyperbole, you're right, regardless of the posterior plumbing of the douchebag.

Because you don't slap someone who might punch back, precisely because it does nothing but anger the target, but only someone who you think is incapable of fighting back either physically or even legally

Except the numbers show that, obviously, people do just that. And when a stronger target DOES hit back, the attacker takes more hurt than gives.

People engaging in such bullying absolutely should be made examples of, and deserve no one's sympathy when they are. Goddamn overgrown schoolyard bullies.

I used to agree with this just as vehemently as you seem to. When the bullies started coming up without a Y-chromosome, though, I'm sexist enough to content myself with discrediting them.

Comment Re: Feminism HURTS families (Score 0) 126

If the Men's Rights people really want to help deal with issues like this one they need to do what feminists did and start a dialogue that isn't dominated by such extreme rhetoric and reactionary outbursts.

I disagree. It *is* an example of women wanting special treatment, and it is them getting it. Feminism (as opposed to feminists, who can't seem to agree on a damn thing) doesn't want to solve this issue, and MRAs certainly aren't interested in being told condescendingly to "sit down, shut up, and do what feminism tells you," as you're doing. Whatever the solution to the incongruity may be, I have a hard time believing feminism has anything to contribute to it, since its own flawed premises created the problem in the first place.

I'm not even an MRA, just a guy who feels about "bullshit" the way you say feminists feel about "sexism."

Comment Re: Feminism HURTS families (Score 3, Insightful) 126

However, domestic violence is not random violence, victims of domestic violence are overwhelmingly female. The sexes are NOT equal in physical strength, the average male has 1.5X the upper body strength of a similar sized female and twice the strength of grip in their hands, it's almost always the unarmed female who ends up in hospital when push turns to shove.

That's using a very carefully crafted definition of "victim," and even if it wasn't, you're still wrong. Even removing cases of bi-directional violence, female instigators are at near-parity to male.

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