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Comment Re:Not a Tablet (Score 1) 101

It's a ticket for a carnival game of chance.
If any part of the Surface breaks or breaks down; it's trash. There's no fixing it.Disposable as a Bic lighter.
You know, I've seen the same sort of promotional model used by the music industry;
Pay industry publications/writers to fain interest in your product and turn up the valve on the hyperbole faucet, then throw some money at advertising and see if it sells a hit song. If not, fire some flunkys and go on the the next product-du-jour.
It's time to call Purina and not the ASPCA; the horse has been beaten to death...

Comment Re: Why (Score 1) 395

I point out YOUR folly and I'm dumb. Yeah, I can see that's how these kind of messes get started. I live on the fucking planet of the dumb apes who can't tell the difference between polluting in a profitable way or polluting in an expensive way. Either way you're going to pollute, but, are you going to make the most of it or are you going to throw EXTRA money needlessly at it?

Back off the medication, if plain English gets to be too much for you.
Perhaps you strayed from the "Better Homes and Gardens" forum and can't tell the difference.
On second thought, maybe you better double up on the Zoloft.

Comment Re: Why (Score 1) 395

Yeah, big deal, there's oil in the fuel. That's Diesel.
When they've rid the fuel of oil and it's straight gasoline, the oil is separated and used elsewhere, putting it in the environment, just the same.
The only difference is; it may not be in the air at first, it may go directly to ground or water.
The silly French are trading good mileage to appear environmentally conscious to retards who can't process steps in thinking past 3 moves.
Silly French, silly enviroMENTALists and silly anybody who didn't think of it before reading this post.
Keep your diesel, you may as well, you only lose money and help no-one by removing it. I'll bet a politician or two is in this besides enviro-wack-jobs. How else could it be so fucking patently stupid on the face of it?

Helpful tip; if you possibly ever can; get hold of a Mercedes Diesel, you can put more miles on them, than any other car on the face of the planet! I know of several with over 1000000 mi. and one with over 2000000 and only 2 rebuilds.

Comment Re:Sweet, wait, huh? (Score 4, Insightful) 105

It was a shill for a pay service. If you want to PAY for what is free elsewhere.
Personally, I wouldn't pay for it. Chances are, the band who wrote it and plays it will never see the money, it goes directly to the owners of the song; the music industry. So, if you pay for music, you are actually encouraging an industry that steals intellectual property, rips off the artist and in most cases discards the artist after their peak of profit dwindles. Artists could do without the industry by simply giving away their music, as promotional, and charging to play live. No industry needed for this scenario. This is the age of the internet, the do-it-yourselfer, the tools are within everyones reach. A band doesn't need an industry, maybe a few friends to help is all, that is needed. Fuck the industry. Don't pay for music, it only encourages the middlemen to pump up the price and rip EVERYONE off, while contributing nothing of any real value. It is a parasite. Don't pay for music.

Comment Re:Nothing's gonna change. (Score 1) 224

I still lived in Kansas for Dole, was here for both Boeing and Joyland.
The Unions killed the aircraft industries here.
Apathy killed Joyland. AND I remember taking my own cooler of beer to Riverfest for the streetdance.
Yes, I was serious, yes others took me seriously.
Your time is up, insert another coin.

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

Complete spacefiller. You could've replaced the word women with Negroes, Islamic, Cowboys, Indians, Stamp Collectors, Nose Pickers and others, with the same cumulative effect on the public.
If it is an activist article, it is certainly underpowered, If it is supposed to be news, the poster has lived in a cave for the last decade. If it is revelatory, then it is certainly plagarized and unimaginative. Nope, I think we have internet stuffing here. Just taking up space , like this post. And here you are, at the last sentence, still reading...

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