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Comment Re:Maybe this corn can be used for food again? (Score 1) 314

Well, if you're not as clever as Al was, you get a congressional hearing over "putting it in", ask Bill.
Just a play on "just putting the head in" as legislators do daily. I suppose he could have said "introduced legislation", but I doubt he waits to be introduced before "putting it in".

Comment Re:Maybe this corn can be used for food again? (Score 1) 314

Corn is not that good for you and will probably get used to make Corn Syrup.
Other uses include animal feed (fattens beef nicely), booze( more ethanol) flour (tortilla chips and corn bread) and few sundry others.
Corn uses a lot of water and should be replaced by food crops with ACTUAL nutritional value, fiber and health benefits.

Comment Re:Rodrigo y Gabriela (Score 1) 328

You play the music you like, if you play, they will come. You figure out your audience and book your gigs accordingly.
Live music is alive and well, instrumental or not. Like the story posting says, no one could care what is played at them during a commercial, BECAUSE WE ARE TUNING THE WHOLE THING OUT. So go ahead and use canned music.
Author of story posting lives in his own fantasy world and should broaden himself before entering the world of music journalism. Sensational garbage.

Comment Re:real socialism (Score 1) 356

Chinas government may work, but not for the people fueling it. I think the criteria needs to be not just how a government works, but how Communism works.
Ask a Democrat, our country works fine, see what I mean? Cuba? Now there's a nice place to live, huh? Russia was the same. GOVERNMENTS WORK WELL, that is a given, they feed, clothe and indulge their wildest fantasies, who could give a shit?
Marx stole his best ideas from Kropotkin, then managed to fuck them up. I'm taking none of the usual half baked apologeas for his shoddy thinking.

Comment Re: Backwards (Score 1) 144

We had plenty of unaltered female cats on the farm. Out of 59 cats or so , more than half were female. Some wandered off, hawks and owls kept the herd strong and the population floated in the 40s most times. I NEVER had a problem with yowling, I guess they went to find a more private place. How do you screw with 50 others hanging around watching?

Comment Re: Backwards (Score 1) 144

Makes me think of my old cat with two noses.(side by side) She would hunt and bring back full grown rabbits, eat the guts and leave the carcass in the yard for the others. She was an outside cat though. I've had at least one mouser-Tonkinese, who regularly laid dead mice at my feet. Good Kitty! I think it depends on their level of boredom with the taste of kibble.

Comment Re:real socialism (Score -1, Flamebait) 356

But Marx was a scumbag convict, Communism is clearly a FAIL at any level, the state couldn't find it's ass with both hands, a light and a road map. The present governments assumption of shares only reflects the kickbacks and corruption, more scumbags, more FAIL and more corporations OWNing their own piece of government.

If to avoid revolt, one must regulate these companies, break them into itty bitty microcompanies and sell them off to the people. The end. Amen. Fine'

Comment Re:Wrong use of money these days (Score 1) 356

Let's reframe the problem; GM's outgoing CEO doesn't agree with the National Law and Policy Center's call for to repay the loss made by the TAXPAYERS from their bailout.

So, we send a load of hoodlums to the next meeting of the board of directors and cut a finger from each of their hands, slap them around a little and set their cars ablaze in the parking lot. Next time it will be worse, the interest just went up to 100%, and you better have a goddamn payment ready next time we see you. We know who you are and where you live and when your wife fucks the mailman.

Good old fashioned lending...

Comment Re:Reflective Armor (Score 1) 173

I think I'd go with a glass microbead coating to diffuse the beam and take most of the punch out of it. A nice baked aluminum wrinkle finish beneath that might fuzz it up on the radar enough to get shots to go wild, maybe not. Either way it'd look like a flying disco dildo that would show up under low light sources like projecting a movie on a blimp. Maybe the Military could shoot it down with a slingshot.

Comment Re:Yeah, sure... (Score 1) 383

Yeah, he'll turn up in some hospital bed with a dose of radiation poisoning.

What the disclosure says to me is the NSA is a bunch of bureautards abusing us with expesive toys that we bought them. Snowden should get amnesty and RUN for president. We could have Assange for Secretary of State. What the hell, if Hillbillary could screw it up, I imagine Assange would be a spectacular success. Russian relations would be strangely good, I'm sure. I just wanted to add that gear to the machine...

Comment Re:police arive within 'minutes' (Score 1) 894

Why not let the kids know they are protected wherever they are in a school. Having cops IN schools helps, but is impractical and costly.
Educating radical anti-gun drones is the solution to the problem, unless, of course, you actually have to call in a cult deprogrammer or exorcist.
I think a hunters safety/ target practice program, beginning in middle school is a great idea as well. They were fine programs when we had them.
Putting more people on the range, more often and letting the same people concealed and open carry later on will take crime WAY down. Education SHOULD begin at school age, BEFORE some kid disrespectfully mishandles a weapon to let us all know his "special" feelings. Train them what a weapon IS and IS NOT for. Give them a sport where any kid, who can physically and mentally handle a weapon can compete on an even field with their peers. You don't even have to be a JOCK, or good at chess for that matter.
It's just a matter of doing something sane and rational to solve a problem. Get the family down to the range. Tired of bowling? Too cold to go to the lake?
Get the family involved. That's proactive.

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