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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 27 declined, 13 accepted (40 total, 32.50% accepted)

United Kingdom

Submission + - UK Policeman Not To Face Charges Over Death At G20 (

Robotron23 writes: The BBC among many other British sources is reporting that a police office who violently shoved Ian Tomlinson to the ground during the London G20 conference protests will not face charges, despite the man collapsing with a fatal heart attack minutes later. The incident was captured by an American businessman who was present to film the assault. Filming or photographing a police officer is now illegal in Britain, meaning the story was technically published using an illegal source; police sources were later suspected of fabricating falsehood in relation to what occurred, with numerous evidence contrary to London Metropolitan Police's statements.

Submission + - Apple's Rotten Core: Inside The Foxconn Facility ( 1

Robotron23 writes: The Daily Telegraph reports on the ongoing grim situation with Apple's manufacturing workforce in the wake of the iPad's European launch. Twelve suicides this year have occurred from employees jumping off of Foxconn factory buildings. Accounts of life working for Foxconn have emerged from within China including this translated report from an undercover reporter. Two deaths and further attempts have occurred over the past ten days.

Submission + - The ILOVEYOU Bug - Ten years on (

Robotron23 writes: The BBC has a first-hand account of the ILOVEYOU e-mail virus from a worker at Star Labs who observed the phenomena as it happened. A decade ago, two students based in the Phillipines wrote the virus as a part of an undergraduate thesis; the virus was renowned less for its technical intricacy than its method of presentation which took advantage of human psychology. The virus itself cost firms millions in productivity losses, badly affecting businesses in Asia as well in Europe and the US. Server overloads, a lack of experience, and the absence of backups are cited as reasons for the severity of the e-mail infection — a fix was released quickly, but the magnitude of demand meant that initially it was available only to a fortunate few.

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