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Comment How about Dual SIM? (Score 2) 109

How about a phone that can use two SIM cards at the same time? So we can actually make carriers compete against each other. This is a feature that Android is sorely lacking.

What, carriers don't want any features that might actually empowers their consumers or helps them get away from the "subsidized" (aka bought on credit) phone handset scam? Not to mention, having multiple plans or prepaid SIM cards is also a great way to dramatically cut international roaming costs.

Remember the technologically advanced 90s? Phones used to have that feature back then.

Comment Re:Yeah, class warfare. That's right. (Score 3, Insightful) 2115

Remember kids, raising taxes on the rich is class warfare! But lowering their taxes is "incentivizing job creation" and "stimulating the economy".

Funny how class warfare is such a one way street to the right. For some reason it's never class warfare when "job creators" lobby federal and state officials to end all the ground gained by organized labor since the industrial revolution.

Comment ICE is out of control (Score 3, Insightful) 244

Extra judiciary domain seizures, extradition of foreign citizens for crimes not committed in the US... ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is either corrupt or completely out of control. They must be reigned in.

In the mean time, it's great that they have the situation at the Mexican border under control, gives them more time to be innovative in the war against piracy (keep going guys, you're so close to winning that one).

Comment Re:A Technicality: (Score 1) 195

The problem in your example is not advertisement, it's a repressive religion that exert way too much social control over its followers and that punishes and ostracize people based on imaginary crimes.

In other words, loss of privacy for advertising sake, while definitely wrong, is still a lesser evil than religious fundamentalism.

Comment Re:Similar to how pornography reduced sex crimes.. (Score 0) 209

Similar to how pornography reduced sex crimes in Japan

I think we have to be very careful when comparing crime statistics between countries (a well known problem in criminology) and this is especially true with sex crimes. Crime statistics only reflects what has been reported and processed as an actual crime by the system, depending in which country you live this may accurately reflect reality or be completely off.

Things are getting better now but the police in Japan is know for their very poor handling of sex crime victims. This alone greatly affects how many crimes are being reported. Then there are cultural factors that may also lead victims not to report crimes in order to avoid the social consequences of being victimized. Japan being a more group-oriented society than the west, the incentive not to report to "avoid causing troubles" is also stronger. This is a highly political matter since properly taking care of victims and helping them report abuse will actually make the crime rate go *up*. Which would be a very positive outcome for society but a disastrous one for the politician taking that decision.

Does pornography reduce sex crimes? I don't know. I strongly believe it does, but that's just my sentiment.

Comment Re:Alzheimer's Terminal? (Score 1) 838

Why does it matter? If someone is not terminally ill then they shouldn't be allowed to chose how and when to end their life? Because of what?

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you, but it sounds like your saying "Sorry, your sickness is not terminal, it will only guarantee you a life time of horrible debilitating suffering, you'll understand of course that society can't help you end your life, that would be immoral, please grin and bear it, we've determined it's the right thing to do."

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