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Comment Re:And the US could turn Russia into vapor (Score 1) 878

And US propaganda is different how exactly? Because you think the US Government is on the same team as you perhaps?

None of this is propaganda. Russia could launch a devastating nuclear strike on America. America can do the same to Russia. No propaganda at all, merely a counter point.

Comment Re:Move. (Score 1) 516

That is a horrible and seriously criminal attitude. You're arguing that if others don't give you something you need, it's fine to just murder them (your words, not mine). Unprovoked violence is never justified; whatever your problems might be, you have to solve them peacefully (unless you get attacked first). This kind of Robin Hood-style violence does not belong in a civilized, developed society.

This (your) response is perfectly expected and accepted in a civilized society. Once the civility is removed from the society (all the resources), you should expect "the law of the jungle" to be the natural state.

Ultimately, we are all animals no less than a wolf or a tuna fish. Our uniqueness allows us to create structures above and beyond what the other animals can. The base of these structures is the ability to more easily fulfill our will to eat and live. Once it becomes as difficult to eat and live within the structure as it is outside of the structure, you will see people either tear down and rebuild the structure or just ignore the structure entirely.

Your ideas of right and wrong, peace and attack, criminality, etc. come from the rules associated with that structure. Without those structures, there is nothing wrong with me killing you, raping your wife, enslaving your children that are useful and killing those that are not.

It is in your (and my) best interest to keep society civilized and fair. Some people seem to think that is not the case and that is why we are having this conversation at all.

Comment Re:Hopefully Russians don't give up their freedoms (Score 1) 309

Normally I like to not try and blame the people for the actions of their leadership, but frankly I've lost all faith in the ability for the majority of the Russian populace to engage in any kind of rational thinking at this point. They are part the problem.

Hm. All these leaders. All these countries with populations that allow those leaders. I sense a pattern here... almost as if certain groups are using scientifically sound principles to manipulate other groups.

But yeah, it is all those dumb Americans who elected Bush for 2 terms. Oh wait, we were talking about Putin and Russia. Dumb Russians.

Comment Re:open source it (Score 1) 185

Yourself and Concerned Onlooker seem to be under the impression that we want the program to continue, but with volunteers. That is not the case. We want to do wheelies and drill into random rocks because it is fun. Why should you or anyone else care that it will destroy the rover? It will die immediately upon being defunded anyways. What good is a perfectly working rover going to be if there is nobody to control it? It is better to let people play with it.

Comment Re:open source it (Score 1) 185

There is not only no money to be saved by handing operations over to "the community," there is also the probability that if you did the rover would be ruined within a few days.

I think your viewpoint is a bit skewed here. The rover will "die" immediately upon being defunded. If "the internet" can have fun with it for a few days and then it dies, who cares?

In other words, the suggestion is not to continue doing "worthy" science with it. The suggestion is to let people "play" with it. If good science arises, then fine. If not, nothing more was lost regardless.

Comment Re:Please.... (Score 1) 321

This is the only time my son has "accidentally" spent money, and no matter where you want to lay the blame, consider this: if my wife had an iPhone, this wouldn't have happened.

Whoah there buddy. On an iPhone, you have a 15 minute window rather than a 30 minute window of opportunity. I am not so sure it would not have happened there too. I _just_ read in another comment that the latest update to IOS allows you to disable even the 15 minute thing but I have not actually seen that feature myself yet.

To be honest, I am disturbed. My iPad has had all of its communications cut off for 2 months or more now and yet it *still* knew there was an update. It creeps me out too much to use it.

Comment Re:Qt? (Score 1) 240

Only the ever-trolling slashdot community could turn Google releasing and dog-fooding an open source project into a bad thing.

Jesus fucking H. Christ. What the fuck dude? Yes, there are fucking trolls on Slashdot. OOOOO. That is big news. But wait, that is NOT what you said, you said the entire fucking community is against what Google has done.

Fuck off with your generalizations and your bad attitude. Jackass.

Comment Re:It's snakeoil, and this is why: (Score 1) 413

You are NOT going to hear the difference over he road noise and attention distractions breaking your focus.

Hm. I disagree. It is true that you will not be aware of the entire range of audio, but there still will be a noticeable difference. For example, the cymbals will likely have a different quality.

In other words, you may not be appreciating the full range of audio while driving, but the portions you are able to pay attention to will still be affected by the overall quality.

Comment Re:In my experience (Score 1) 384

Heh. I am unsure why your comment triggered this memory, but here it is:

My wife was worried that she did not have enough gas to get to the gas station. Her car went 300 miles on a tank of gas and she had driven 260 miles from a full tank. I told her that the gas station was 7 miles away and to figure out if she could make it to the gas station without running out of gas.

Needless to say, she could not figure it out. I was flabbergasted. It was the most basic math in the world. I stopped to think about it for a second and decided to ask the same question but framed differently: If you saw a pair of shoes that normally sold for $300 and instead, they were on sale for only $260, how much money did you save?

No sooner than the last syllable was leaving my mouth, she immediately answered $40. I then asked her if 7 was more than 40 and she replied no... so i asked her again: if she could drive 300 miles on a tank of gas and she had driven 260 miles, would she make it to the gas station that was 7 miles away without running out of gas. She had no idea.

All I could do was sigh. She could obviously do arithmetic but she obviously could not apply it generally.

Comment Re:Comments prove the McWhorter's point (Score 1) 479

That would be because, duh, what "Guccifier" was so obviously wrong that there is nothing to discuss about it. What do you expect to talk about? The types of legal repercussions that we should expect for him? Various methods of gangland retribution? I do not really understand what you expect here.

No. The only thing to discuss is what the victim did to make herself an easy target. There are many avenues of discussion available with that: reused passwords, mailed passwords, etc.

Comment Re:You keep using that word (Score 1) 479

There's a difference between somebody who takes a list of passwords and abuses it and somebody who finds security issues and reports them responsibly.

But you are wrong. The first person is a malicious hacker and the second person is a security researcher who may or may not be hacking.

A hacker is someone who uses unorthodox methods and ingenuity to perform some act. There is no good or evil associated with it. At some point in time, the word came to represent (to the masses) just the evil side of unorthodox and ingenious acts.

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