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Comment Re:source code of the processor? But software pate (Score 1) 59

The 'source code' we are talking about is not running on a processor.
It is written in a HDL, a 'hardware description language'. The compiler is generating a chip layout which is then burned into an FPGA, a 'field programmable gate array' (or was it 'free'?)
So they use a 'programming language' to describe the logic, the circuits, of the processor.
The final result ofc is hardware that is capable of running FreeBSD and user land applications.
Hope that helped ;)

Comment Re:Ridiculous! (Score 1) 590

Thor is god of many things, fertility, healing e.g. he blesses fields, pregnant women, new born children and most important justice when injustice needs to be addressed. I guess thunder is only his hobby :D and war and fighting and brawls his pleasure.

Comment Re:Ridiculous! (Score 2) 590

I don't really get what you want to tell us with your wasted or not abused mod points.

I also don't get what you want to tell us with the link ... did you read it? I mean if you figured it existed, you 'something' before hand.

Obviously you fail to the the difference between an 'almighty' god who can transform himself into a woman and a mere mail god "of many things" who disguises himself as a woman. The former is very impossible for you and me, the later is not.

Presenting a nordic, european, white, caucasian MALE god as a female for purpose of making money: is blasphemy.

I for my part, I'm an atheist. I think there is no god. no christian, no islamic, no semi buddhistic god (how ever you want to look at the "godhood" of buddhist deities) nor any other god.

But spitting on our culture, our common "american" and european culture, that is what the word "blasphemy" was created for to address.

How much knowledge already got lost the previous 100 or 1000 years because of the christians first and the money, mammon, tand seeking bigots?

I would bet if you ask an american on the streets, what/who is Thor, 90% would say: "Oh that blond guy from those movies" another overlapping 90% would say: "the guy with the hammer in the comics". I doubt there are more than a ver few percent who know that their own ancestors worshiped him 500 years ago. Heck in my country farmers still leave 5% or more of the harvest on the fields as homage to Odin ...

Comment Re:Difference between SF and fantasy, or lack ther (Score 1) 309

Well, for me it is pretty simple to define a dozen categories for SF and Fantasy.
In my eyes retailers simply became lazy, another reason why eBooks are on the rise, or online stores.
Via a computer it is much easier to find what you are interested in, despite the fact that it has the 'wrong' category.

Comment Re: Not France vs US (Score 1) 309

The whole topic is not about book shops. You made it the topic. Frensh book shops, unlike the german do just fine.
The story is about unlawfull dumping prices, where Amazon tried to play the trick to offer free shopping and under cut the law full limit. France now made clear, that the shipping costs are included.
I'm not frensh. So there is no suppression of Christianity in my country. But as a matter of fact: there is none in France either.
Your argumentation is simply over the board. No one is attacking online retail. The Law is valid for EVERYONE!
As you seem to be from ghe US ... argumenting about culture with you is kinda moot :) Do you indeed have a building that is older than 300 years?
But well, it is always easy to look over the border into another country and point out their faults ... unfortunately you will be wrong most of the time, like with your 'christianity oppression'

Comment Re: Not France vs US (Score 1) 309

There is no need to protect that.
I did not read line by line of you rant, but most of the jobs you mention we still have :)
It is not a waste of time to protect your culture ... if you live in a country that has one and is proud about it.
See Japan e.g. and all their festivals ...
To sad that in your country the milk man is either gone or so expensive that you can not afford him.

Comment Re: Not France vs US (Score 1) 309

Why do people always bring up 'brick and mortar' when in fact this is not the issue? The issue is dumping prices, covert by a law from 1983 IIRC, and the current government made clear the maximum discount on books may be 25% and that this includes also shipping. So going below 75% in the 'total price' by shipping for free is not allowed.
In France 'brick and mortar' book sellers do just fine, as many people in this story already pointed out. And people like to go there. Your idea they would waste time and energy is simply wrong.

And why do you try to lecture on 'economy'? You seem not to get that different countries/cultures have different ideas how an Economy works or should work. We simply don't want that money rules everything ... we don't like to end in a state like the states where you have to pay absurd prices for a reasonable meal or simple medical attention.

Yes, western countries can live with 10% or higher unemployment rates. Germanys official rate is not the true one either ... they fake every one away into other 'social care' groups.
There is simply not enough work for everyone, to much automation, to less demand for unskilled labour and many other factors playing into this. Western Europe does not have the hire and fire mentally, nor laws that would allow it. So we always have a considerable high unemployment rate. But it is not fluctuating in such a bright band as e.g. in the US.

Bottom line your whole argument makes no sense either. If a book store around the corner has to close, you can assume 10 more unemployed, including the owner. The owner is likely the only one who easy gets another job. The other 5 to 9 won't find nor would they want a job at Amazon or a similar company. What would they do there? And why would a book retailer want 5 to 9 more employees just because a random book shop closed?
Your idea is: jobs are everywhere. Sorry, for a guy. who has studied literature and earns something like $2500 in a book store there simply is no job at Amazon. And if 1000 book shops close over the years you have 5000 - 10000 more unemployed ... sure a part amoung them will find in a reasonable time a new job, but the majority wont.
So having laws that secure jobs makes sense for us. Bottom lime those employees are payed by the book lovers. If we had YOUR idea of a market the whole society would pay their unemployment money.

The problem with your point of view is: you only see the goods. The market exchanging goods for other goods or money between anonymous entities. You simply neglect that behind all this are people. A market should be orchestrated in a way that the maximum amount of people is involved in it. Not in a way that a privileged few get the most amount of goods for the least amount of money.

Comment Re:Baen Books (Score 1) 309

Don't tell me what the authors could/should do, tell the authors!
Fact is: most authors let themselves get ripped off and promising work never sees any country outside the one they where published first. As soon as a publisher considers a book failed (which is mostly the publishers own fault, e.g. bringing it out at the wrong time) they don't find it worthwhile to follow any other options. To the disadvantage of the author. My translation example however was mainly focused on german publishers who buy translation rights of random books of the same author without considering how the storyline connects them, the simplest example is the third book in a sequel of four is missing. Or they give them stupid names, or they release them two times with two different names, like Neuromancer from Bill Gibson.
Or they have absurd translation errors where a gravity field suddenly is a magnetic one. Hence I mainly read in the original language and try learning Frensh now by reading.
Regarding the categories of SF and F, I don't remember when it started, mentioning Harry Potter was more meant as a joke than an accurate time. However I remember when the book shops had them in two categories ... luckily buying online cross-references so many books.
I know Bean, it is a fine book shop.

Comment Re:Why the assumption.... (Score 1) 309

I'm ordering quite a lot online, which should have been obvious from my posts. But that is not voting with the wallet. This is either lazyness or 'get something you can not get otherwise'. E.g. I could buy WoW or any other game in a game shop or some 'super markets' but when you wanted a english version (before they made them multi lingual by default) you needed to order them in the UK or the US. But around 2010 Amazon US refused to sell certain games to Germany, so I ordered in UK.
And ofc you are right: many people 'vote with their wallet' the wrong way. But that is not _my_ problem, but theirs and those who are affected by it.

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